A tear trickled down my cheek.
“No. Your mother would understand. She’d be very proud of you and everything you’ve accomplished. I know it’s hard to partwith special mementos, but they’re merely possessions. She’s here. With you, always.”
More tears fell, and a sob escaped.
“Please don’t cry, love. Come here.” He pulled me into his strong, comforting arms. My breasts pushed up against his sturdy chest. I inhaled him. Every molecule of his heavenly scent filled my lungs.
“It’s going to be okay,” he murmured, and the warmth of his lips grazed my ear.
Oh God.My breathing was rapid, and my heart pounded. Surely, he could feel it as he held me. Wiping the fallen tears from my face with his thumbs, he tilted my head up, cradling my jaw. He stared at me with lowered brows and a fierce gaze. His eyes dropped to my lips. Our faces were so close, the air between us so thick, I couldn’t breathe. Before I could think or move, he pushed his mouth against me.
The world around me stopped. Time ceased to exist. I thought I might be dreaming for a moment, but it was real.
Gavin was kissing me.
His lips caressed mine, and my body pulsed with bolts of pleasure. He tasted incredible, hearty, and virile. The sensations striking me were intense and consuming, unlike anything I’d experienced. Then it got even better. He deepened the kiss, gently easing his tongue over my lips. I opened my mouth, accepting his polite invitation, and his tongue began to delicately stroke mine. The smooth slide made me shiver, so needy with desire, aching for more. As I leaned into him, he abruptly broke our kiss, jerking his body away from me.
“Oh, bloody hell,” he said, panting. He frantically ran both hands through his hair. “Grace, I apologize. I didn’t mean to do that. Please forgive me. I got caught up in the moment…”
My lower body was damp, heavy with need. God, I wanted to kiss him again. I wanted more. My lips trembled, yearning totell him. But I pressed my mouth into a line. I couldn’t dare expose my deep feelings. Besides, I knew how complicated my admissions would make everything. We couldn’t do this.
My eyes flickered to him. “It’s okay.”
“No, it’s not okay. I feel terrible. I overstepped. You were upset about your mum, and I took advantage of the situation. Not to mention our history, myself being twice your age and your boss. Christ. I pray I didn’t ruin what we share with my careless behavior.”
I nodded, taking in his logical words. A reminder of the risks, of everything we had to lose.
He stood and shifted his body. I tried not to notice the thick evidence of our kiss in his pants.
“It was a little blip.” My voice was scratchy, barely audible. “Nothing we can't move past,” I said louder, surer, even if I felt as though I was suffocating. “Not to worry.”
“Good. Um. Well, I should get home.” He grabbed the iPad from the couch. “And regarding the convention next weekend. If you’re not in any way comfortable going along with me, I can manage on my own. I’ll obtain the necessary information and have you go through it when I get back.”
I was so focused on work and the house repairs that I’d forgotten about the convention in Ottawa next week.
I shook my head, trying to hide any discomfort. “We’re adults. We’ll be fine. Besides, you clearly need my expertise when it comes to technology.”
I pointed at the iPad in his hands.
He chuckled, but it came out forced. “Yes. True. By the way, thank you for the tech support. As usual. Charlotte will be very pleased.” He headed to the door, then turned around before he left. “Take care. I’ll see you tomorrow.”
I watched him exit the house and knew nothing would ever be the same. But I had no choice but to forget that mind-blowingkiss. A kiss that I know would ruin all future kisses. A kiss that could never happen again. I couldn’t lose Gavin. I couldn’t lose the girls. I couldn’t lose this job or this house.
That evening, I still couldn’t get the kiss we shared out of my head. The fantasies of kissing him were nothing compared to the reality. My entire body burned with desire when I thought back to the feeling of his lips and his tongue sliding in my mouth. The taste of him. How desperately I wanted more.
I wanted him to command me, to own and possess me. I wanted to bend over and feel his palm on my ass, spanking me hard, marking me red. The thoughts alone made me squirm, filling me with heat. Imagining uptight, prim, and proper Dr. Gavin Brinley taking charge and having me like that. A concealed primal and dominating side of him coming out.
Not polite. Taking everything he needed from me with pure ferocity.
I wanted him to teach me, guide me. Show me exactly how to please him.
I wanted to feel his hard cock against my palms. To taste him in my mouth. Feel him deep inside my body.
I wanted to watch him lose control. To study his face as he reached his ultimate peak of pleasure.
I wanted to taste his release. To feel his cum fill me up.