Mortgage rate increase.

My head began to spin, and the walls of my house felt like they were closing in. I gripped the kitchen counter to ground myself, feeling the cold granite on my fingertips.

A beep from my phone rescued me.

Gavin:The soul train has arrived :)

I let out a long breath, then tossed the letter down beside several overdue bills.

Before leaving my house, I locked up and made my way toward the humming black Aston Martin in front of my driveway. As I opened the passenger door, the chorus of Donna Summer’s “Hot Stuff” played over the speakers.

Inhaling the scent of leather and his signature fresh and soapy aftershave, I smiled at my boss.

“Good morning, Gavin.”

“Morning, love,” he said cheerfully, adjusting the rectangular glasses on his face. “Ready for another exciting week in the world of dentistry?”

“Ready as ever.” I playfully rolled my eyes as I buckled my seat belt.

We did our secret hand gesture before we drove off. A ridiculously silly ritual he’d introduced in my first month working for him. The gesture consisted of three fist bumps, followed by interlocking and grinding our knuckles together, where he saidG, and I saidforce.

I’d worked as Gavin’s dental assistant at his practice for the past two years. I was his right hand, his sidekick, his partner in crime. I remained a step ahead of him and just about knew what he was thinking most of the time, sometimes even before it occurred to him. It probably helped that I had known him most of my life—ever since he and his wife moved in next door. I’d initially voiced some reluctance to have him drive me to and from work daily. I insisted I could take my own car but was met with apish-posh, you will do no such thing. Carpooling was better for the environment, after all.

“Did you sleep after the commotion last night?” he asked.

“Like a baby raccoon.”

He belted out a laugh. “I hope the rascals don’t make a return appearance tonight and give us another scare.”

Memories of our intense embrace swirled in my brain. How my nipples poked through my thin pajamas. The way he stared at my chest.

I crossed my arms over my black scrub top and kept my gaze on my feet. “Let’s hope not!”

We waited at a light, and he ran a hand through the side of his thick hair. It was mostly black with several distinguished streaks of gray. “Listen, before I forget, I have a favor to ask of you.”

I nodded. “Sure.”

“First, are you free this upcoming Saturday?”

“You know me. I’m pretty much always free.”

I was a twenty-three-year-old with the most lackluster social life in history. Lately, my best friend Dorina’s weekends revolved around her boyfriend, Will. She usually invited me out with the two of them, but I preferred to stay in and not waste money on overpriced cover charges, watered-down booze, and greasy, salt-filled appetizers.

Gavin focused his green eyes on me. “I have a function, so I was wondering if you could watch the girls that evening.”

“No problem! I’ll be there.” I enthusiastically nodded, realizing his social life was more active than mine. “What time?”

“Around six is good.”

“Want me to bring dinner?”

He signaled and moved his car into the right lane.

“That’d be great. If it’s not too much to ask, the girls have been craving your world-famous three-cheese lasagna.”

World famous. I snickered. “Their wish is my command.”

His two daughters were like family. I’d honestly do anything for them.