A third yawn escaped as I set up the room for our next patient. I didn’t get home until three, and then I had to be ready for work by seven, so I only got a few hours of sleep at best. This couldn’t continue. I’d have to nap before heading to the club on the nights I worked. While it was only twice a week, that on top of my full-time job, I knew I’d burn out really quick if I didn’t develop a game plan soon.

“Didn’t get much sleep last night?” Gavin asked with a cocked brow, clearly noticing my fatigued state.

My eyes shifted. “Oh yeah. I had a late night. I got into a book and couldn’t put it down. A murder mystery.”

The lies spilled out of me like candy from a broken vending machine.

He nodded with hesitation, almost as if he didn’t believe me.

Oh God. Did he know? How could he know? Maybe Bill Salinger recognized me and told him.

“Reading always puts me right to sleep before bed,” he said.

I smiled, relieved. “Maybe you’re reading the wrong books.”

“Yes. I supposeThe Complete History of Modern Dentistryisn’t quite the page-turner it sounds like.”

A laugh burst out of me, followed by a snort.

On our way home that afternoon, we were caught in heavy traffic on Bathurst, ABBA Gold blasting in the car. The road was down to one lane due to construction that the city was trying to squeeze in before winter. I looked over at Gavin. He faced the road with a huge smile, moving his head and tapping his fingers on the steering wheel while singing “Gimme! Gimme! Gimme! A Man After Midnight.”

I pressed my lips together, doing everything to hold back a giggle at the hilarious sight. Traffic never seemed to bother himmuch, no matter how bad it was. In fact, he almost seemed to enjoy it. Likely because he could relish his favorite music that much longer. He glanced over at me, and I smiled sheepishly. He’d caught me staring.

For a second, I thought about Gavin at the club. Dressed up and dancing in Studio 69. Followed by him requiring his needs met. Immediately.

I could feel the blush creeping up my neck.

I focused away from him, noticing the pink shellac polish on my nails had started to chip. With the extra money coming in, I was able to make minimum payments for the mortgage, pay off some bills, and start paying for the ceiling repairs. Going for a manicure was one of the many luxuries I couldn’t afford right now.

“What are you up to this evening?” Gavin asked. “If you’re not busy, the girls and I were just going to order some Chinese for dinner. You’re more than welcome to join us.”

I nodded, unsure if that would be a good idea to spend extra time with him. But the girls would be there. Seeing them was always wonderful. “Yeah, sure. That’d be great.”

“Only if you didn’t have plans of your own,” he added. “I know you’re rather busy lately.”

I swallowed. “What? What do you mean?”

“I can’t help but notice you going out a lot more. At night. Weeknights in particular.”

I needed to think fast. “I’m actually taking some art classes. On Tuesdays and Thursdays.”

“Art classes.You?”

I rolled my eyes playfully. “Yes.Me.”

“Looking to improve on your sweet little stick figures with the giant heads,” he teased with a chuckle.

I swatted his arm. “Gavin.I’m not that bad. I can draw a mean flower.”

“Well, I can’t wait to see the masterpiece you create by the end.”

My stomach bubbled like a cauldron, cooking a steaming-hot pile of bullshit. I hated lying to him. But what choice did I have? I couldn’t risk him finding out about my night job. Besides, it was only until February. My time there would be up soon, and Gavin would be none the wiser.

We pulled into my driveway, and I gathered my things, then looked over at him. The sun shone through my side of the window, grazing him with light. The man was extremely handsome in such a refined and sophisticated way. His bright green eyes stared back at me. They were stunning, emerald with specks of gold.

“I notice you don't wear your glasses as much lately,” I said.

He blinked several times. “I've been getting used to contacts now. Except for the sticking my finger in my eye part. At first, it was a pain, but the peripheral vision is wonderful. It’s as if I’m able to see the world through new eyes.” His intense gaze fixed on mine. “So much beauty I’ve never noticed before.”