Despite being in jeans, the man was still so uptight and stiff. He needed to break free from the confines of his clothing, like a superhero. He’d definitely be Dental-Man, dressed in blue with a large tooth logo splayed over his chest. My eyes ran over him, imagining every inch of his body outlined in tight blue spandex. Oh boy. Suddenly, the car became a sauna.
“Why are you looking at me like that?”
I shook my head vigorously. “Oh, no reason.”
Dental-Man needed a tagline. “Saving lives, one cavity at a time.”
“What was that?”
Shit, did I say that out loud?
I giggled. “Oh,nothing. But can I do something? As your very good friend?”
“Um. All right,” he said wearily.
With a strange boost of confidence, I leaned toward him and put my hands on the buttons of his shirt. My brain momentarily went woolly as his wonderful scent invaded my nose.
“G-Grace.” His voice trembled. “What...what are you doing?”
Gavin's body retracted and tensed beneath my fingers as if I was going to stab him or something.
“I’m making you look more relaxed and free. Well, the best I can with what I have to work with!” Feeling slightly out of control, I undid the top two buttons of his polo shirt, leaving one done since I didn’t want to completely loosen up the man.
Or did I?
The warmth of his chest against my fingertips caused my lower body to pulse, likely due to my senses being in overdrive from the weed.
“Much better,” I said proudly. “Not so stuffy. You know you’re a pretty fit man. You should show it off more.”
“Um, thanks.” He sounded unsure as he checked his reflection in the rearview mirror.
I leaned away to admire his new and improved look. In the low light, I noticed a patch of his chest hair peeking through. It made me wonder how much hair he had on his body. Visions of stripping him completely bare ran through my mind.
Flaming heat surrounded my skin as if I stood inches from a campfire. I clapped my hands against the legs of my jeans to snap out of it.
“Okay. I’d better get inside. Thanks again, ole friend.”
He smiled. “Please get some rest and drink plenty of water, all right?” He squeezed my knee as I reached to grab my purse.
A spark scattered through me at his touch, the flame reaching my core.
I pressed my lips together, moving my eyes along his face. “I will. Good night.”
Then I smiled, and without thinking, I swiftly planted a friendly kiss on his cheek. I didn’t even stay to see Gavin’s reaction as I darted out of the car without looking back.
The following morning, Ireceived a text from Dorina, apologizing for being MIA last night as she was assisting a very drunk and high Will. She was coming by to hang out before heading to work. She knew I had arrived home safely—that Gavin had picked me up from the party—but nothing about what happened with Ethan. I’d have to fill her in on all the awful details.
A few minutes after noon, my doorbell chimed. When I answered the door, I was greeted not only by Dorina but also by Gavin.
“Come in,” I said to them, a confused furrow in my brow.
“I brought fresh bagels and cream cheese from The Bagel House,” Gavin said, raising a paper takeout bag.
He wasn’t wearing his glasses, and I couldn't help but notice he was in a very fitted navy-blue polo, the top two buttons undone. I tried not to stare at his chest hair peeking through.
The events of last night flashed in my mind, and my face went hot.