“I never, ever want to see you again,” I yelled, my voice piercing the air.

“Come on. You’re being dramatic.”

“Fuck you,” I snapped, then darted out of the room.

My pulse raced as I flew down the stairs. All I wanted was to get out of here. To go home.

I searched the crowd for Dorina, but she was nowhere to be found, so with shaky hands, I sent her a message.

Me:Hey, where are you? Something happened with Ethan. I really need you right now. I need to go home.

When I didn't get a reply after a few minutes, I assumed she was likely busy somewhere with Will. I let out a breath, concerned I’d have to cab it on my own. Then my phone beeped.

Gavin:Grace? What happened?

I looked at the text with narrowed eyes, then realized I had messaged Gavin instead of Dorina. The marijuana was clearly getting to me.

Me:So sorry, Gavin! That text was for Dorina.

It was twenty after twelve, and I was fairly certain Gavin was in bed.

Gavin:Where are you? I’ll be there right away.

No. No. No.

Me:Thanks, but I'm fine. I promise!

As soon as I sent the message, Gavin phoned me.

“Grace.Please.Tell me where you are.”

“I’m at a house party. It’s all the way in Thornhill.”

“I’m heading to my car now. I just need the address.” I could hear him rustling around and the rumbling of his car starting up.

“Honestly. Don't worry. I’ll cab it on my own...” I said as I weaved through the crowd.

“I’m coming for you.” His voice was firm. Commanding. “No more protests.”

So bossy...

“Okay. I’m sending you a photo of where I am.”

Feeling a bit dizzy, I went into my map app and passed along my exact location.

“Got it. I’ll be there shortly,” he said before hanging up.


Perched on Will’s parents’ front porch, aggressively tapping my sandaled foot, I waited for Gavin to arrive. A tightness wrapped around my throat when I thought about the evening’s events. The fact that Ethan felt entitled to my body because he’d paid for our dates. I was so frustrated. Not only with Ethan but also myself. I shouldn’t have foolishly let my guard down. I should have listened to my gut all along. My mother was right.When a man pays for your life and buys you nice things, it’s transactional. He’s trying to own you.I was done with dating. Done with men.

Eventually, Gavin's sleek Aston Martin pulled in with its familiar humming growl. The best sound in the entire world. My body melted with relief as I opened the passenger door. Gavin wore cologne— clear notes of wood, citrus, and warm spices. His scent was so much more enticing, bold, and powerful. I had the inappropriate urge to move closer to him and put my nose against his neck to thoroughly inhale his aroma.

“Grace. Are you okay?” Gavin’s face was laced with concern. “What happened with Ethan?”

“Oh, it’s nothing.” I brushed off his question, not in the mood to get into the details. “He got too drunk.”

Suddenly, I wondered how my parting ways with Ethan would affect my relationship with Dorina as she continued to date Will. A worry that dating him had messed everything up.