He flashed a wide smile. “You look beautiful.”
My face flushed. “Thank you. So do you. I mean, you look handsome.”
He reached out for a hug, and I went for a handshake, so it became an awkward sort of hug-shake. With some reluctance, I gently wrapped my arm around him. He smelled incredible, like a men’s cologne ad sprung to life.
We sat in his car, a new-looking dark gray BMW. It was such a beautiful evening, and he had the windows down a bit, letting some refreshing June air in. We made small talk, mostly about Aslan and the trials of puppy training.
He took me to a quaint bistro downtown. The ambience straddled the line between fancy and casual, really a perfect place for a first date. Another bonus was that it was quiet, but nottoo quiet. We could talk comfortably, but we weren’t alone.
The server handed us menus and offered sparkling water before he left us.
With a smile, I studied the attractive man in front of me. His angled face appeared perfectly symmetrical, and his hair was so healthy and thick. He had nice deep eyes, high cheekbones, and full lips. And of course, a perfectly straight, gleaming white set of teeth. Dental assistant approved.
Ethan was beautiful, like a sculpture. I almost had a hard time looking at him, as if staring at beams of sunlight reflecting off the fresh snow.
“So I hope this isn't a strange question,” I said with a pause. “Do you model?”
He chuckled. “I used to, actually, when I was younger. A side gig here and there. Why do you ask?”
“Just curious. You carry yourself like one.”
Or maybe because you look like you belong in a museum.
“Would you like wine?” he asked, looking up from the wine menu in his hands.
“A white wine would be nice, thanks.”
When the server returned, I ordered penne in a rosé sauce with shrimp and roasted peppers. Ethan ordered chicken, a baked potato, and made sure the vegetables were steamed with no butter. It made sense he watched his intake, looking the way he did. He crossed his arms at one point, and his biceps bulgedagainst his dress shirt. I wondered how often he went to the gym. My guess was a lot from what I could tell.
We ate our meals and talked more about work and school. He earned his undergraduate degree and MBA at Western University, where he met Will.
“Did you want dessert?” he asked, peering at the menu the server handed us. “Maybe we could share something?”
“What about this fruit tart? Or dulce de leche cheesecake?”
“Dulce de leche cheesecake, you say?” He paused for a beat. “Sold.”
My body melted with ease. My first date with Ethan had turned out a lot better than anticipated.
When the bill came, Ethan grabbed it right away. I was about to suggest we split it until I remembered the advice Dorina drilled into me before the date.It’s just dinner. Let him pay. Trust me!
At the end of the evening, Ethan and I sat in my driveway, chatting. We stared at each other awkwardly during a break in the conversation, and I had a feeling about what was coming next. While my heart fluttered with nerves, I really wanted Ethan to kiss me. I was desperate to feel that spark. But then, he unexpectedly grabbed my hand and placed a gentle kiss on my knuckles.
The action was so refreshing. So wonderfully old-fashioned and respectful. The complete opposite of what I would expect from a man who looked like Ethan. I felt terrible that I’d misjudged him.
“I had a great time tonight, Grace,” he murmured, his deep brown eyes focused on me. “I’d love to see you again.”
I nodded with a smile, my heart beaming. “Absolutely.”
A few weeks later, I slipped into Gavin’s car on a warm Friday morning, nestling my full tote beneath my legs.
“Good morning,” I said cheerily.
“Morning, love.” He stared at me wide-eyed for the entirety of our G-Force routine. “By the way, you look so…” He scratched his neck. “Your hair looks very nice. Very pretty. I’m not used to seeing it down and all curled like that.”
“Thank you.” I sank into the chair sheepishly.