I put my phone down. “It’s my friend, Joshua.”

“Why is he dressed like that? With the whip?”

“He’s into the whole BDSM scene. He works with Dorina’s sister at the kink club.”

He nodded, uncertain. “I don’t quite understand all of that. The sex clubs, the extremes. The pain. The torture. It’s a little barbaric, in my opinion.”

I was silent, frozen in place. “Some people enjoy it. It makes them happy.”

“Oh.” He paused, running his eyes over my still expression. “Are you interested in that sort of thing?”

“Um.” I blinked, trying to figure out what to say. “Not really into the whole extreme pain thing, for myself personally, but I am curious about aspects of it. The give and take. The trust and understanding that goes into the dynamic.”

He nodded as if urging me to continue. “Tell me more. I’d like to know what interests you.”

“Well, I like the idea of role-playing,” I said, tilting my head to the side. “Temporarily playing a part, being someone else. Being ordered around. Told what to do. Kind of like you do at the office, but way more commanding. I don’t think I’d be into being tied up or whipped, but I do like the idea of punishment. A spanking. Nothing too painful, but hard enough to sting and turn my bum red.”

“I see,” he said, doubt in his voice. “The role-playing part does sound intriguing, but I’m not sure about the rest. I never want to hurt you or force you to do anything you don’t want to.”

“I mean, it’s all consensual. I’d be agreeing to it beforehand.”

“Well, let’s not get ahead of ourselves.” He licked his lips. “We haven’t even covered all the basics.”

He dipped down and fondled and kissed my breasts.

“Like what?” I asked, curious.

“Different things. I know you’re likely still sore, so what about an oral prescription,” he suggested with a coy smirk.

“I can do that,” I murmured, then moved down to take him into my mouth. His hardness and the unique and delectable taste of him filled my senses.

“Uh, uh,” he interrupted, rubbing his finger over my cheek. I looked up at him. “Not quite. Turn around, love.”

I popped my mouth off his cock. “Turn around?”

“Yes. I’d like you to sit on my face while you do that.”

I hesitated. So up close and personal. My ass practically in his face. I wasn’t sure I was ready for that kind of intimacy. Plus, I wasn’t exactly a dainty woman, carrying most of my weight in my hips and bum.

“Now,” he said sternly. “Dentist’s orders.”

I bit my lip. With that accent, that commanding tone, I was putty in his hands. Exactly the kind of dominant energy I craved in him. “I like it when you order me around, Dr. Brinley.”

I moved my lower body over his mouth, keeping steady and putting weight on my legs.

“Come on, don't be shy,” he said. “You’re not a hovercraft.”

He gripped my hips, pulling me against him.

Oh!I gasped. The striking warmth of his mouth shocked my lower body as he sucked the wetness out of me.

“Delicious,” he said, his voice muffled.

I let out a loud moan and closed my eyes while I moved my cunt against his face. This angle was different. Electrifying. It stimulated each of my desperate nerve endings down there.

“Don’t forget about me now,” he reminded.

“Oh yes, sorry.” I opened my eyes, then guided his cock into my mouth. I had to mindfully concentrate on his pleasure and mine at the same time. It felt a bit like a juggling act at first, but then I started to get into a rhythm. I ran my mouth up and downthe length of him, then moved to apply suction to his shaft, all while caressing the tip in circles with my tongue.