“Yeah, I heard about your arrest of the Midnight Rose Rapist. Nice work. Wish we could’ve been on the takedown team,” Dustin chimes in.
“Yeah, couldn’t have done it without you boys in blue. I can’t take credit for all the leg work.”
With shitheads like these you have to stroke their slimy ego. They think because they were the star quarterback in high school, but gave up their scholarship to a big university to be a cop, that somehow means they are above everyone else. Unfortunately for them, that’s not how this works. They peaked in high school and are unable to hold onto that fame so they carry themselves like they’re gods in hopes that someone will recognize their perceived greatness.
What a joke.
There’s a reason both of them have been passed up multiple times for promotions and never get tasked with the big assignments.
“I need your help with a case. My witness is out in the Bronx, and I need to go interview her again. My partner is…” I trail off and chuckle to make them think I’m a member of their cool boys club. “Let’s just say he’s new.” I almost feel bad for making them think Liam isn’t capable, but I will do and say whatever is necessary to make Spencer safe. Even if it hurts someone’s ego along the way. Not my problem.
Troy perks up and nods at my implication that I trust them to have my back more than I trust my own partner. “We got your back.”
Yeah, I’m sure you do. More like you’d like to use my back for target practice with your knife.
“Thanks, man,” I give them an appreciative smile and fake sigh in relief. More stroking of the slimy ego. “Follow me in yoursquad car. No lights or sirens, no matter what. I’ll text you the details of the case on the way.”
As I turn to walk away, I let the mask fall off. I despise men like them. They took the oath to protect and serve, but it means absolutely nothing to them. They dishonor it and are a disgrace to those who have lost their lives doing this job.
I parkmy car a few doors down and glance in my rearview mirror making sure these idiots in blue follow my lead. The drive here was slow. I wanted to make sure they didn’t get lost in all the traffic.
I get out of my car and wait for them by my door. Rio replied to my text on my way here saying he was ready.
“Hey, Kingston. We never got the case details,” Troy says as he walks to me with what he thinks is swagger. His hands rest lazily on his utility belt.
“My bad,” I pretend to pull up my texts to them, but really I opened Solitaire. “Oh, the text didn’t send. I’ll resend it real quick.” Again, pretending to send a text when really I’m continuing my game from earlier. “It’s sending. Come on. Let’s get inside.”
I walk up those familiar concrete steps and knock. Rio opens the door with a jerk.
Fucking door always getting stuck.
“What can I do for you boys?” he asks.
“Detective Kingston with the 10th. These are Officers Troy and Dustin. We’re here to talk to Carmen. Is she around?” I respond.
“Yeah, yeah. Come on in.”
Rio opens the door wider and stands to the side while I lead Fuckup one and Fuckup two into the living room.
“Where is?—”
Before Troy can finish, I spin on my heel and punch him in the face, knocking him out cold. Fucking pansy ass. Can’t even take a hit like a man.
Dustin reaches for his gun. Before he can unholster it, Rio is right there with a red brick and hits Dustin over the head.
“Where the fuck did you get that?’ I ask.
“From Mrs. Romero’s yard,” he answers matter-of-factly.
“You haven’t been there for days. When did you take it?”
“When I was there last. She had bricks surrounding her planters and she said she wanted them gone so I took a few. Want one?”
“You have more than one?” I ask confused as fuck.
“Of course. I got one for each of us. There’s even one for Spencer.”
“Why?” I throw my hands up in frustration.