My face remains neutral and I cross my arms. “No.”
“Fine. We can just chill here. Make small talk.”
“Whatever,” I scoff at him.
You sure showed him.
Fucking hell. I roll my eyes and remain upright. No way am I caving. I’d rather die than pee in front of him.
“Enjoy your shower this morning?” he asks with a smirk.
My jaw drops. The audacity of this asshole! I swear steam is coming out of my ears as I mentally shoot serrated daggers at his gorgeous fucking face.
Damn him! My face is heating even more. I’m sure I’m as red as a tomato now.
“The least you can do is turn around,” I grit out through clenched teeth.
With a smile resembling the cheshire cat, he spins to face the door.
“If anyone asks, this never happened. Got it?” I say lacing each word with unspoken threats.
“As you wish, Princess.”
Is it possible to actually see red? Because if so, that’s me right now. If I had a brick, I’d hit his obnoxiously thick skull with it.
“Don’t you dare turn back around.” Sometimes you have to voice the things that could be left unsaid, but some people are stupid like the lump of muscle in front of me.
“As you wish, Princess,” he repeats. I can hear the laughter in his voice. His smile is beautiful, but right now, I’d rather it not be present for this mortifying experience. It only adds salt to my gaping wound.
I quickly slide my leggings down to my knees and sit my ass down on the seat. If he does turn around, he’s going to see as little as possible. Closing my eyes, I focus on the sound of nothing and will my bladder to empty. After what feels like an eternity, I let out a sigh.
“Pee shy?” There’s still that smirk in his tone. God. I want to smack that panty-dropping smile right off his gorgeous face.
“I need you to make noise.”
“What, like sex sounds?” He teases. I wouldn’t complain if I heard his sex noises, but not while I’m trying to pee.
“No, you idiot. Just sounds to drown out the sound of me peeing.”
“Seriously? Just pee.” He sounds like he’s well on his way to aggravation.
“I can’t. Please, Asher.” I plead with him.
“Fine,” he concedes. “Whooshhhhhhhh. Whooshhhhhhhh. Whooshhhhhhhh.”
I giggle and force myself to hold in the pee begging to come out. “What the fuck is that?”
“Water sounds,” he states as if it’s obvious.
“That’s what you think water sounds like?” I tease back giving him a taste of his own medicine.
“Do you want the noises or not?”
“Yes, please,” I say pretending to be chastised.
“Whooshhhhhhhh. Whooshhhhhhhh.”
I finally pee and sweet relief washes through me. My bladder thanks me, my abs thank me, and my urinary tract thanks me. When I’m done, I flush and nudge Asher with my foot. He smirks at me over his shoulder and my face gets hot all over again.