Page 51 of Fractured Fear

Asher perks up. “And you didn’t call? Was it Cain? The fuck man,” he whisper shouts.

“Calm the fuck down. We’ve been with Spencer all day. She needed a ride home from the hospital. We’re sitting outside her place in case the guy comes back. You know how these people operate,” Rio says.

There’s a pause on the line and I know what he’s thinking. I don’t actively seek out women. They come to me and if I feel like it, we fuck. That’s it. But I took care of Spencer, bought her dinner and am now going to sleep in my car to keep watch. Fortunately, he doesn't know about our lunch dates.

“You should’ve called,” he grumbles. “It would’ve been nice to know so I didn't get stood up. No excuses, dickbags.”

“I’m sorry. I’ll buy you a pie from Sal’s to make up for it.” My attempt to make up for our no-show is weak since we get our pies for free, but it’s still an olive branch.

Sal’s makes the best pies in New York. I don’t care what anyone says. He has the perfect sauce to cheese ratio. After what happened with his daughter Emilia, the scales of justice needed balance. We brought that balance. We never told Sal specifically what we did, but he knows. Sometimes a father just knows. Now he gives us free pizza whenever we want.

“You fucking better. Place the order and meet me at home then you can tell me about her interview.”

“No can do, man. We already ate and we’re camping outside her apartment tonight.”

“Are you shitting me? Wait. Did you eat Sal’s without me tonight?”

“Shut up. You know we’d never cheat on you by eating Sal’s with someone else.” Rio’s argument is valid however false.

“I can smell the lies and marinara from here, assholes.”

“She needed the cheesy goodness to cheer her up! You know Sal’s cures any ailment.” Rio tries to reason with him.

Asher’s sigh crackles through the phone. “Fine. I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”

He hangs up and I settle in for the night. Eyes on the building, I let my mind wander to the woman inside.

She kicked me out in a kind way. Can’t say that’s ever happened before. When I go to a woman or man’s house, I leave before they wake. Which makes Spencer asking me to leave, a first. I could tell she was battling herself. She couldn’t hide the way her luscious thighs clenched, seeking relief. Relief I would gladly provide.

She’s not ready for that yet, and that's okay. I’ll wait. I’m a patient devil.

Twenty minutes after her lights flick off, Rio unfolds himself from the car.

I follow suit and question, “We really doing this?”

“You’re the one who slipped her the sleeping pills,” Rio states plainly.

“I know, but?—”

“I’m not leaving her alone with her nightmares. We’ve heard her scream in her sleep almost every night since we startedOperation Spy Through the Pottery Teacher’s Windows.”

“I was just making sure you were okay with breaking and entering.”

“Do you really have to ask?”

I roll my eyes at his sass and we proceed up the stairs under the cover of night. The broken lamp post must be how thetrafficking asshole was able to get the drop on Spencer. I nod to the diffused light and Rio grunts. Sometimes we don’t need words to communicate. We both know what the absent light means. Premeditation.

I’m positive it’s the same group. This matches their MO. Single, attractive woman, who lives alone, with no health problems. People think traffickers just take anyone and everyone, but that’s not necessarily true. People are products to them, not living beings with feelings and dreams. Traffickers usually inspect their “product” first, which means they must have been watching Spencer for a while before trying to take her.

But how long were they stalking her? A week? Two weeks?

I go down on one knee at Spencer’s shitty front door and pull out my lock pick set. A twelve-year-old could break into this place. The locked pantry at my foster home made me learn how to unlock doors from the outside by the time I was seven. I had to learn young. If I didn’t learn, then I didn’t eat. My foster parents often forgot about Sarah and me until theirfriendscame by.

Leaving that particular darkness behind, I get Spencer’s door open just like I did last night. Thankfully, she never asked how we got in to take her to the hospital. I wouldn’t have lied, but I don’t think it’s an answer she’s ready for.

Our empty pizza boxes remain on her kitchen counter where we left them. Rio reaches for the cardboard and places them by the front so we can take them to the trash when we leave. We’re men, but that doesn’t mean we have to be slobs. No woman should have to clean after a man’s mess.

On light feet we enter her room and I’m overcome with the sweet scent of jasmine. Spencer’s perfume. My cock hardens as I take in a deep breath inhaling more of her. Needing to will my semi away, I think of anything to handle the situation.