“Do you think you could tell me about it?”
“I’ve been assigned to your case.”
“Oh,” the news settles in. “Wouldn’t that be a conflict of interest?”
“That’s not something you need to worry about.”
“I don’t want you to get in trouble, Zane.”
“I won’t. Now about last night…”
“I’m not so sure I’m ready to answer those questions.”
“Okay. We can do this another time, Angel,” Zane leans forward and places another gentle kiss on the crown of my head. “Crime scene techs came by. There was no viable evidence at the scene, but you had DNA under your fingernails, so they took samples. We’ll run it through CODIS and get a hit soon. Don’t worry. We’ll catch this guy.”
No, they won’t.
When Rio re-enters the room, he has a dowdy, gray-haired woman with glasses in tow.
“Spencer Gray. I’m Dr. Cody. It’s good to see you awake,” her welcoming smile puts me at ease. “How are you feeling?”
“Pretty good,” I lie. “Can I go home?”
“Your tests came back. Everything looks good,” she explains as she flips through my boring beige file. “No serious brain injuries. You do have a small concussion though. I’d like to keep you here another night to observe you. Make sure nothing else comes up.”
Nope. Not gonna happen.
“I’m good. I’d like to leave. I promise I’ll rest at home.” My composed tone must be what begins to sway her.
“Do you have anyone who can stay with you tonight?”
Defeat crushes my chest. Do I have someone? No. I couldn’t ask that favor of anyone I know. Sneaking out of the hospital might be my only option.
“Yes, she does. I’ll be with her,” Zane speaks up.
“Me too,” Rio adds.
My head snaps back and forth between the two of them. Is this a joke?
“And you are?”
“We’re her boyfriends,” Zane answers plainly, giving his million dollar smile.
Unphased, Dr. Cody continues, “There are a few things you’ll need to look out for.” Her voice fades as I sneak a glance at Rio. A ghost of a smile rests on his lips.
I’m still trying to formulate whether or not they said that to get a reaction out of her. That must be it. I’m not girlfriend material, not even close to relationship ready.
The next thing I know the t’s are crossed, the i’s are dotted, and I’m in the back seat of Zane’s cramped car headed home.
There’s no way they’re actually staying. No fucking way. My apartment isn’t small, but the walls cannot contain the big dick energy that is Zane and Rio. Their mere presence will blow the place sky high.
I have to think of a way to get rid of them, but that’s assuming they intend on staying, which I’m not sure they plan on doing, so it’s okay. There’s no need to get myself worked up because it’s not happening.
Not. Fucking. Happening.
At this moment, I’m grateful that I’m no longer connected to anything monitoring my heart rate.