Oh, you stupid motherfucker. You have no idea what’s coming.
We quietly get out of the car and Rio grabs the empty pizza boxes for his dumbass ruse. The pretense isn’t necessary, we could just bust down the doors or sneak in and surprise them, but Rio enjoys playing with his food first.
Zane and I take the back door. I’m always in the door first. If someone gets shot, I want it to be me. If someone tries to run, it’s on Zane to chase them down. He’s fast and can outrun Rio and me even on our best day.
From the back of the house we hear the doorbell ring and muffled voices. I note at least two. While they talk, I test the doorknob.
Unlocked. Idiots.
As soon as the front door opens, I slowly open the back with my Glock in hand, outstretched in front of me. We open to a musty kitchen with dingy appliances, a card table, and foldable chairs. The tiled floor has clearly seen better days.
Creeping across the kitchen, I bypass the hallway as Zane turns to go down it and clear each room. My path leads me to the living room and the next thing I know, I’m staring at the back of a tattooed head.
Rio drops the boxes and with a large grin says, “Boo.”
The guy jumps back into my chest and tries to dart to the left, but I already have my arm up and around his neck, cutting off his air supply. Ten seconds later he’s out cold and I let him drop.
“Zane went down the hallway. Meet up with him and make sure he’s good. I’ll get this one tied up and ready to go.”
“I bet I was a pizza delivery driver in another life. I’m fucking good at this.”
“Yeah, yeah. I’m sure.” I shake my head at him and the shit that comes out of his mouth.
Just before Rio is able to close the door, tattooed fingers wrap around the edge.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” Rio groans.
The door swings open, banging against the wall outside, and in steps the last person we wanted to see. Gabriel Castillo,palabreroof the MS-13 New York cell. He has even more tattoos than Rio and that’s saying something. He has a blue, folded bandana tied around his forehead and wears a large white tee with saggy, dark wash jeans. The dim light from inside the house reflects off his shaved head; three inked tear drops rest below the corner of his left eye. A gross misinterpretation as we all know he’s killed more than three men. An accurate number would probably be closer to several dozen.
“Rio!¿Qué pasa, hermano?”
“Dios mío, dame paciencia,” Rio looks to the ceiling with his hands clasped together in front of him. “I’m not your brother,puto.”
“Right, because a brother wouldn’t leave another brother behind.” Gabriel crosses his arms and leans against the door frame, his demeanor shifting from friendly to deadly.
“I went to college,compa. Just because I didn’t want to joinlamaradoesn’t mean I left you in the dust. Put on your big boychonesand get over it. Read a self-help book or something.”
Ignoring Rio’s response, Gabriel turns his head to me. “What’re you doing with my homeboy there?”
“We need to ask him some questions.” I cross my arms over my chest and keep my face blank. He won’t get more of an answer than that.
“What a coincidence. I have some questions myself.” Gabriel mirrors my stance. I hope he doesn’t think he looks intimidating. Just because I can see his gun tucked in the front of his jeans,doesn’t make him a badass. I could easily grab his gun that’s perfectly aimed right at his dick.
“We’ll drop him off to Mommy after Daddy is done.” Rio gives Gabriel a condescending wink. He’s pretending to be calm, but I can see his hand twitching for his knives. I don’t know the entire history between them, but I know it wasn’t pretty.
There’s a scraping sound coming down the hall and we all freeze. I whip around with my gun in hand and aim at the hallway opening. Zane is standing there holding the ankle of the second occupant of the house. He’s unconscious and bleeding.
Zane unceremoniously drops the boy’s leg and crosses his arms. “What are you fucking doing here?” His question is directed at Gabriel like a dagger between the eyes. To say that Zane is Gabriel’s biggest hater is an understatement. I’m not a big fan either, but for Z, the disdain runs deeper than that.
Gabriel spreads his arms wide. “I came to clean up a mess, but it seems you three beat me to it. Thank you for tying them in a nice little bow for me. You can go now. I’ll take it from here.”
“That’s not fucking happening. We have some questions for your homeboys and then you can have what’s left over.” Zane spits out the wordhomeboyslike it’s diseased.
“I wasn’t asking for your permission,cerdo.”
“The only way you’re taking them is over my dead body.” Zane takes a step forward.
“That can be arranged.” Gabriel gives Z a vicious smile.