Page 103 of Fractured Fear

My stomach grumbles just as Zane strolls through the door with a brown paper bag that smells like garlic, marinara, and grilled chicken.

“Hey, Angel. I brought lunch,” he beams at me. He breaks eye contact with me for a moment to nod at Asher who tilts his head towards Lance. Zane follows Asher’s gesture, and his eyes turn hard.

There should be a book on this shit,How to Decipher the Grunts and Gestures of Cavemen.

“Lance Richards,” Zane seethes.

How do they both know his name?

I ignore their ridiculousness and a megawatt smile breaks out across my face. “You’re a God among mere mortals, Zane Kingston.”

I make my way to him ready to hug him, but pause when I remember the other night. I don’t want to trigger him. He doesn’t need his past making itself known right now.

Sensing what I want, Zane sets the bag down on the ground and guides my arms around his neck then wraps his around my waist. Pulling me close so our bodies are pressed together he brings his head down and inhales. My heart flutters as he takes in my scent like it’s the only thing he wants to breathe for the rest of his life. With my elevated height I can rest my head on his shoulder, but when I do, I spot a man standing awkwardly just inside the door behind Zane.

“Oh, hi! Welcome to Abstract Dreams.”

Zane turns, resting an arm across my shoulders and tucking me against his side. “Angel, this is my partner. Detective Liam James.”

This detective looks like a kid. His innocent appearance is magnified by the way his mouth is hanging open, staring at the arm slung around my shoulders. Ignoring his shock, I go to step forward only to be pulled back by Zane. I elbow him in the side, causing him to grunt then chuckle, and finally step away with my hand stretched forward. “It’s nice to meet you, Liam. I’m Spencer Gray.”

He recovers clumsily and grasps my hand with a firm shake. “You too, Spencer,” he says with a tight smile.

“Are you staying for lunch?”

Liam flashes me an easy smile that reminds me of Hayes and says, “Not today. I just wanted to get a peek at the gallery. I’m going to walk down the street to the gyro stand on the corner.”

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah. I don’t want to impose.”

“Feel free to bring your food back here and eat. We have a huge break room in the back.”

As he turns to walk out, Rio bursts through the door. “Hey, Mama! Did you miss me?” He walks right up to me and plants a tender kiss on my cheek that contrasts his obnoxious mood. “Ooo! Z! Did you bring me lunch too?”

Zane rolls his eyes at Rio, but nods in affirmation.

“Oh! You must be the new partner. I’m Rio, the best friend and roommate.”

Liam cocks his head to the side as if he’s trying to figure Rio out.

Good luck with that.

Liam introduces himself and shakes Rio’s hand. All four of us begin chatting, ignoring the food that is going cold and get to know Liam a little. Asher eventually saunters over but hangs back by the desk. For a brief moment things feel normal, and I can pretend that all's right within our little bubble.

But those moments never last.

You know when it feels like time slows right before something big happens? A moment of complete mental clarity. A moment before your world shatters. Literally.

One minute we’re talking and laughing and then comes a loudpop, pop, pop. Glass explodes inward across the front of the gallery.

Zane turns to me with wide, panicked eyes and moves as if to lunge toward me, but his shoulder jerks and he falls on his back.

“Zane!” I scream, but no one hears. I can’t even hear myself. My shout is drowned out by what I realize is rapid gunfire.

Peering out to the street, ice rolls down my spine when I see the person driving the car with two guns held out the windows. Pierce Murphy. I knew even back when I first met him that his chilling blue eyes always held violence in them. The type of violence that would decimate anyone in its path then he’d mock the aftermath.

He gives me a slow wink and a wide smile. A smile that on anyone else would make me swoon, but on him, it’s terrifying.