“From what I gathered from Rio and Z, you were just getting home from the bar,” Asher says but his voice is softer. A tone he has never used with me.
I try to focus on that night and not the sexy voice speaking to me.
“Yes. I was dropped off by a cab. He sped away quickly. I was tired and had a lot on my mind, so I wasn’t paying attention to anything around me.”
“What time was it?”
“A little after eleven p.m. I think?”
“What did you do after you exited the cab?”
“I was digging through my purse for my keys and walking to the door.”
The scene plays out in my mind. I wish I could be a bird in the sky and watch it unfold from above, completely detached from the moment. I wish I was able to warn my past self that he was going to sneak up behind me, but that’s not how this goes. The horror movie in my head continues, and I give Asher as much detail as I can.
“I like to have my keys in hand before I get to my front door, but my brain was all fuddled.”
“That’s very smart, Spencer,” Zane says proudly.
“The streetlamps are on, but the one closest to me is out. I’m about to grab the door handle, that's when he grabs me.”
Hisarms constrict around my upper body, and I hyperventilate.
Not again. Please not again.
Rio gives my arm another squeeze. “You’re okay. You’re here with us. You’re safe, Mama.”
My breaths slow, but are still too fast to be considered calm.
“He pulls me to the street. I was shocked at first but he didn’t cover my mouth, so I scream. But no one is coming.” My voice cracks on the last few words and I can feel tears stream down my face.
“I try to catch him off balance, but he’s too big. I try throwing my weight around, and scratch at his hands, he’s not wearing gloves, but that only makes him angry. He swings my body to the side and hits my head against a parked car. My vision blurs,but I fight to stay awake. Then he whispers something in my ear. I don’t remember exactly what, but he called me ‘flower.’ He…Anthony is theonlyone who has ever called me that...”
“What does he do next?” Asher asks.
“He carries me backwards again. I don’t stop trying to get away and he gets angry. He stands me on my feet and slaps me so hard I fall to the ground,” I allow a deep breath and continue forward. “I pretend to pass out, and when he tries to pick me up I kick him between the legs and knee his face.”
“Then what?”
“He calls me a bitch and I run. I look back to see if he’s following me, but he’s not. His hands are covering his face.”
“Do you see anything else in the street?”
The vision in my mind turns hazy. I don’t want to be there anymore. I have to get away. My breathing picks up again and my heart kicks into high gear. “I need to leave. I can’t stay here. He’ll get me again.”
“You’re safe. You’re always safe with us. Please tell us what you see.” I’m not sure who gives the reassurance.
“I see…I see a silver sedan. New Jersey license plate...D5.”
“That’s enough,” Zane snaps. His voice is angrier than before. “We got more than needed. She’s done.”
“One more question,” Rio edges in. “Is that who texted you the day we met?”
I gulp, but it does nothing to abate my shame. “Yes.”
“How long have the texts been going on?”
“Years.” I can’t give more than one word answers.