Page 75 of Cage

Cage charged into the apartment, but Katie was nowhere to be seen.

There was no sign of a struggle.

It didn’t look like anything had been messed around with.

Barely a single item was out of place.

But the door…

‘Fuck, fuck, fuck!’ Cage raged. ‘Katie!’

It was a shout of exasperation.

Katie wasn’t here and the truth was that she had almost certainly been taken. There was no other explanation for the door being off the hinges.

Cage was terrified.

Katie meant absolutely everything to him.

They may not have been together for long, but the bond between them was true.

Cage was Katie’s Daddy.

And there was no way in hell that Cage was going to let anything happen to her.

Not today, and not ever.

It was time for Detective Cage Jenson to hit the streets once more.

Chapter 17


Katie felt so scared.

More scared than at any other point in her life.

She didn’t know where she was.

All she knew was that she absolutely hated it.

‘Hmph, can’t you get that miserable look off your face?’

‘W-w-w-who are you?’ Katie asked, looking over at the man who had kidnapped her. ‘Just let me go. I pinky-promise I won’t tell anyone. Not the police. Not my friends. No one.’

‘You don’t recognize me? It’s me, Tommy,’ the man said, a look of disgust on his face. ‘As in, Tommy Franks. Your number one tipper. Your biggest fan.’

Then it dawned on Katie exactly who Tommy Franks was.

Yes, it was definitely him.

In his forties, bald and with a ratty mustache and soul patch combination.

That snarling, creepy voice.

It was Tommy Tipster. Real name, Tommy Franks.

Katie immediately felt ill.