Page 62 of Cage

She couldn’t resist.

Katie sat down with Snug and loaded up a quick game.

She figured she was here now, one or two games wouldn’t take long. And when she was done, Katie could take the Switch with her back to Cage’s.

But one or two games turned into ten or fifteen.

Without Katie realizing, a whole two hours had passed.

It was at this moment in time that a furious Cage burst into the apartment, shocking Katie to her core.

‘What the fuck do you call this?’ Cage growled, his voice full of anger. ‘I cannot believe you put yourself in danger like this. I am absolutely livid. This is not on. It is entirely unacceptable behavior that will not be tolerated.’

Katie didn’t know what to say.

She had been caught red handed.

Katie also knew that Cage was right. She shouldn’t have left the apartment without saying anything. Deep down, Katie knew full well that Cage wouldn’t have allowed her to go. That was why she’d snuck out.

There was a look in Cage’s face that told Katie he wasn’t messing around.

All Katie could do was hope that her punishment wasn’t going to be too painful.

But Cage wasn’t done talking yet.

‘I will not accept you leaving the apartment and coming here,’ Cage said, pacing up and down the room. ‘It’s ridiculous I should have to say it. And, yes, your punishment will be severe. I have no other choice. Not now. Trust me, when you’re done you’ll never disobey me and do something silly like this again.’

‘Yes, Daddy,’ Katie said, her voice wavering a bit as she realized how foolish she had been. ‘I’m sorry.’

Katie was trying hard not to burst into tears.

She knew she had badly let herself down.

And her Daddy too.

This feeling sucked.

Sucked big time.

‘Enough!’ Cage barked. ‘Don’t give me any of that nonsense. You did what you did, and now it’s time to pay the price. I don’t like this any more than you will, but you’ve left me absolutely no choice. Brace yourself. You’re not going to like what’s coming next.’

Suddenly, Katie wasn’t sure where Cage was going with this. Instinctively, Katie felt like it wasn’t going to be the case of a hard and fast spanking. This felt like something else altogether.

Oh no, is Cage going to break up with me?

Did I just make the worst mistake of my whole life?

I’m scared. I don’t like this at all…

Chapter 14


When Cage had woken up to find that Katie was neither in bed, nor in the apartment either, he had freaked out.

He was terrified.

Anything could have happened to Katie. It wasn’t safe for her out there in the world alone. Especially not while that pervert stalker was still out on the loose.