Katie stuttered and stammered but couldn’t get a single word out of her mouth.
She was panicking.
Katie was officially in a state of total shock.
This nightmare had just got a hundred times worse.
With her escape attempt now officially dead in the water, Katie had no option but to do exactly as Tommy desired.
There was no telling how far Tommy would push things. If Katie had learned one thing about Tommy Franks, it was that he had no concept of boundaries. Of what society deemed as acceptable behavior.
Tommy was operating outside of the law and seemingly had no intention of doing the right thing and letting Katie walk free.
Katie’s one remaining hope was that Cage would somehow work out where she was and come to her rescue. But even then, Cage would have no idea that Tommy had a gun.
Things could get explosive.
Katie said a silent prayer.
She needed her Daddy, and she needed him right this second.
Chapter 20
Kane was due to arrive at Cage’s apartment at any moment.
The wait was agonizing.
Cage had called Kane because he figured with Kane’s hacking abilities, he may well be able to somehow locate Katie.
It was a long shot, but one that Cage just had to try.
‘Come on, Kane!’ Cage said, the frustration flowing out of his mouth as he paced around the kitchen, desperate to get this seek and rescue mission up and running.
As a firefighter, Kane was no stranger to moving quickly.
Part of his job was based on making quick, confident decisions under pressure. Cage figured that even if Kane couldn’t help locate Katie, he would definitely bring some added intelligence to the situation.
Kane’s problem-solving skills were legendary.
He had been awarded several medals by the city for bravery. But he wasn’t the type of firefighter to rush in and go gung-ho. No,he was calm, methodical, and able to make assessments at rapid speed.
Cage would have called his other Daddy friend, Leo. As an ER doctor he too had the kind of mental and physical skill set that would have come in extremely handy. The only problem was that Dom was on a night shift at the ER.
This meant one thing… no cell phone access.
Oh, and the likelihood that Leo had about a hundred cases of injured people to deal with and not much time to do it in.
Hopefully, Kane would be enough.
That was what Cage was banking on anyway.
Just as he was about to get concerned as to Kane’s whereabouts, there was an urgent knocking at Cage’s door.
‘Kane!’ Cage said, the relief in his voice very apparent.
‘My bro, I came as fast as I could,’ Kane said, the pair embracing in what was an epic display of two big Daddies showing their love for each other.