Page 68 of Cage

Cage smiled.

‘Relax. You’re good. Yes, reply now,’ Cage said. ‘The author made you the offer. Approached you. You have nothing to worry about. Be enthusiastic. It goes a long way.’

Katie was grateful for Cage’s advice.

He had so much more life experience.

And a successful career to back it up too.

Plus, he knew the ways of the world so much more than Katie.

In fact, it was like he was straight out of a dream Daddy playbook.

Katie typed out a response to the author and hit the send button. This was incredibly exciting.

Was her career about to take off?

Certainly, the financial reward was good.

But more than that, it was the fact that someone wanted her for their special project. They were willing to trust her voice acting skills with the novel that they had spent many a long hour working on.

‘I guess it was worth uploading my voice samples onto all those voice talent websites, right,’ Katie said. ‘Another great recommendation. How can I repay you, Daddy?’

Katie blushed a little as many rude and naughty thoughts crossed her mind.

Evidently, Cage was thinking along the same lines…

‘Trust me, I’ll think ofplentyof ways,’ Cage said with a devilishly mischievous smile. ‘You can bank on that.’

‘Hehe, I believe you,’ Katie said, her mind racing.

Katie suddenly found her mind pulled back in the direction of the audiobook narration offer.

‘Daddy, would you mind if I made a start on it now?’ Katie asked. ‘I want to send some character samples over to the author. You know, really show how professional I am. Who knows, it could be the start of a long working relationship.’

Cage made a thumbs up sign with both thumbs.

Very cheesy Daddy behavior, but Katie didn’t mind.

Katie could see that this turn of events had made Cage proud of her. It was a superb feeling.

It wasn’t long ago when Katie didn’t think she would ever find a good Daddy. Certainly not one who would devote so much of their time and energy into nurturing and looking after her like Cage was doing.

Those kinds of qualities were rare.

As far as Katie’s own experience had gone, they were practically unheard of.

Almost mythical in quality, like unicorns.

But what was happening now was very much grounded in reality. And it was down in a large part to Cage.

Cage looked like he was taking a moment to consider something.

Katie figured Cage might have been assessing whether it was safe or not to leave her alone at the apartment.

‘Um, yeah, you go for it,’ Cage said. ‘Knock it out of the park, kid.’

‘Yay! I’ll try, Daddy,’ Katie said, already opening up her laptop and loading up the recording software. ‘Thanks again for helping with, you know… everything.’