‘Her name’s Katie. She’s super cute, very sexy,’ Cage said, his mind all over the place thinking about Katie. ‘Great body. Incredible face too. She’s sweet. But…’
There was a pause.
Cage wasn’t sure how much he should say.
He reminded himself to be professional.
Maintain Katie’s privacy.
‘Well, I can’t go into any specifics of course, but she came into the station with a problem,’ Cage said. ‘Hard to say how serious. Could be nothing. Could be something. Either way, I haven’t been able to get her out of my head. At all. I mean, you know those late-night moments, lying alone in bed…’
‘Yup, I hear that,’ Leo laughed.
‘Same,’ Kane added. ‘So, you going to reach out to this girl or what?’
‘It’s not just that I think she’s hot though,’ Cage said. ‘I do have a sense that she’s not entirely safe. A hunch. I’m not often wrong when my instincts kick in. Police work is in my DNA.’
Cage’s two friends nodded in solidarity.
They could see that he was taking this seriously.
‘I’m almost certain she’s a Little, too,’ Cage continued. ‘She’s the kind of young lady who needs protecting. She’s vulnerable. I can tell. Needs a real man to be her protector. This is a big, scarycity at times. Littles need that guiding voice and protecting hand over their shoulder. Right?’
‘Agreed,’ Kane and Leo said simultaneously.
Despite none of them having their own Littles, each one of the three Daddy Heroes knew the importance of making sure that Littles were safe and well looked after.
Even if that mean administering some discipline from time to time.
Hell, that could even be the most fun part!
Leo took the needs of Littles very seriously. With Leo being a doctor, patient care was a big priority for him. As such, he had spent a lot of time learning about how different people have different needs unique to them. Littles were a group of people who typically needed a lot of reassurance, guidance, care and attention.
Leo stroked his big beard and flexed his huge arms.
He was deep in thought.
‘Hey, what’s the worst that could happen? A serial killer specializing in Littles?’ Leo laughed.
Kane and Cage rolled their eyes.
Leo had a wicked sense of humor.
Like gallows humor, Leo could go to some dark places.
But it was only because he cared so much.
‘Y’all know I’m joking,’ Leo said, arching his eyebrow. ‘I think you know what you need to do, my dude.’
Leo smiled reassuringly at Cage.
‘I’ve got a lot to think about,’ Cage said, his mind already beginning to do some calculations.
But before he got too deep into Katie’s situation, there was the small matter of finishing off the game of pool and then getting the next round of cold ones in.
After a few more games of pool, and a large glass of iced water to round the night off, Cage headed back in the direction of his apartment.
The night air was cooling down now.