Page 12 of Cage

A square, black desk.

And not much else.

‘Okay, talk me through it,’ Cage said, taking a seat opposite Katie. ‘There’s no rush. I like to take my time. Get the info. Then we’ll see what we can do about it all. Okay. When you’re ready.’

Katie took a deep breath.

But there was something reassuring about Cage’s masculine authority. He was clearly a well-trained and seasoned professional. That much was clear to Katie.

What was also increasingly obvious was the sheer scale of Cage’s good looks.

It was actually proving difficult for Katie to focus.

In the end, Katie shut her eyes so that she could concentrate on the details of the situation without being distracted by Cage’s square jaw and perfectly maintained beard.

‘I’m… I’m a cam performer,’ Katie said, blushing as the words began to tumble out of her mouth. ‘I do shows, perform… acts. It’s just a way of paying the bills.’

‘Okay, go on,’ Cage said, no emotion in his voice.

‘Some of the stuff I do is quite naughty,’ Katie continued, unable to stop her cheeks continuing to burn hard with embarrassment. ‘But it’s all legal. The thing is… I got this photo sent to me and…’

At this point, Katie began to struggle to speak again.

The memory of receiving the photo was still fresh.

Too fresh.

Katie had to compose herself to carry on. Cage handed her a small cup of ice-cold water. That helped. As Katie continued to explain what had happened with the photo, she could see that Cage was paying close attention to what she was saying.

Cage cared.

Katie could see that clearly.

‘I didn’t even want to do the cam shows,’ Katie said, taking a brief sidetrack from the story. ‘My real passion is theatre. That’s what I came to New York for. Anyway. Hasn’t quite worked out like that yet.’

Cage continued to listen. He would take the odd note, but for the most part he kept his gaze firmly on Katie. His eyes seemed caring, but there was no getting away from the fact that for the most part he seemed… very serious.


Katie was a Little and as such her life was all about being upbeat, having fun, and laughing as much as possible. She hadn’t seen Cage smile once this whole time.

Maybe that was understandable. After all, he was a police detective. And thiswasa serious situation, without doubt.

‘Okay, I think that’s everything,’ Katie said. ‘Phew. It actually feels a little better to have got it off my chest.’

Cage stood up from this chair and paced around the room.

Katie watched and tried to read Cage’s reaction as best she could. But it was difficult, and Cage was evidently a man more than capable of burying his thoughts beneath a well-worn veneer.

Was Cage excited by Katie’s mentioning of being a theatre performer? Was that something that could possibly appeal to him?

Could he? Might he?

No, he’d just think it was silly.

I’m way too much of a Little for a big serious man like Cage…

But as much as Katie doubted that Cage would be into her, she also couldn’t deny that she was picking up some Daddy-vibes.