Page 36 of A Stable Daddy

“Choke me, Daddy.” I watch the surprise on his face, and I press just a bit harder, “Choke me and fuck me hard. I want to feel you for days.”

Chapter Sixteen – Oscar

My heart is racing.

Ryan’s asking —no,begging— for me to choke him and I am so torn right now.

On one hand, I’ll give my Boy anything he needs. On the other, choking is always dangerous, especially if you haven’t studied the anatomy of a person’s neck and head. I’ve rarely indulged in any kind of asphyxiation play — not because I haven’t studied and practiced the safest ways to do it, but because it takes a level of trust between partners which I’ve never really had.

Until now.

“I need it rough, Daddy,” he adds, almost sounding plaintive now. Then he goes in for the kill, placing his hand on my thigh and confessing, “I trust you.”

Fuck me.

“I’ve got you, darlin’,” I practically coo, wrapping my hand around the back of his neck and squeezing to let him know that I’m on board. “But we’re setting some ground rules first.”

“That’s fair,” he acknowledges with a nod.

“Good. So, I need to know your actual limits. I know you say you need it rough, but what do you consider rough? A hand to your neck? Mild squeezing? Cutting off your air supply?”

“Squeezing,” he answers. “Cutting off my air, but…not for long.”

“Okay. You’ll need to give me a cue on when to stop.” I consider the few items I brought with me in my overnight bag. “I’ve brought a bell with me. I’ll get you to hold it through the scene. Shake it when you need me to ease up on squeezing, drop it if you need to safe-word. Does that sound fair?”

“Yes, Daddy.”

“Good boy.”

“I’d also like your hand to guide me, at least this first time. So, the hand that isn’t holding the bell is going to sit over the top of mine and direct my movements, all right? If you forget to shake the bell, you can pull back on my wrist to get me to ease up.”

He takes a moment to consider this and then nods. “Yeah, that…that makes sense, actually.”

I’m glad to hear it. After running through the rules again, and explaining that I will be stopping to check in with him as we go, we get ourselves ready for the scene.

I enjoy watching him strip for me, instructing him to do it slowly and to carefully fold his clothes and set them aside neatly. This not only draws out his anticipation, but also settles him back into a more submissive frame of mind. By the time he’s lying back on the mattress, naked and spread out for me, I’ve also taken off my clothes and dropped them onto the couch. I’ve got the bell I told him about ready and waiting, and a small bottle of lube on the nightstand.

“What’s your colour right now, honey?” I ask as I crawl over him, watching him for any signs of hesitation.

“Green,” his answer is confident. “I need this, Daddy. I trust you.”

“Okay,” I hand over the bell. “Give that a shake for me. Make sure it works.”

Ryan complies, and the tinkling sound is perfectly loud enough for us to hear, even with his fist closed around the bell.Nevertheless, I remind him again that he can also pull my wrist away from his throat if he needs me to loosen up, or he can drop the bell to safe-word.

“Yes, Daddy,” he agrees dutifully and it’s all I can do not to kiss him.

He’s too perfect.

“Good boy.”

I reach for the lube and coat my fingers, and Ryan spreads his legs for me without needing to be asked. However, when I rub his rim, he arches his back and says, “Don’t…don’t prep me. I want your cock to open me up.”

“You sure?” I mightn’t be the biggest guy around, but it’ll still hurt.


I can’t deny him anything.