I blink. “How’d you—”
“Most everyone here’s some kind of kinky,” he shrugs and drops into the chair beside mine, “and we’re all pretty open about our interests. I know Ozzy’s a Daddy Dom, so it goes to reason you’re his Sub.”
“His Boy,” I admit quietly, not having spoken the words aloud to anyone other than Oscar himself. “I’m—I’m his Boy, actually.”
Rob’s knowing grin widens and he nods. “I’m happy for you both.” He leans forward, then conspiratorially says, “I’ve put you in the honeymoon cabin. It’s a bit further out than the rest, and I’m giving Oz tomorrow off as a personal day.”
My cheeks flame at the suggestion underlying his words. “Oh, no, I just needed—”
“Your Dom to take care of you,” he finishes firmly, giving me a stare that almost dares me to argue with him. “Let Ozzy take care of you, Doc,” he continues in a gentler tone when I don’t press my luck. Every bit of my submissive nature refuses to. I’ve never really been a brat, and I won’t be starting with a strange Dom, no matter how fair he seems. “I’ve made sure there’s food up in the cabin, too, so you don’t have to face the rabble here.”
I fight back the overwhelming urge to hug him. Throat tight, I force out a gruff, “Thank you” which doesn’t cover half the gratitude I feel at his understanding and compassion.
If I can be half the boss and friend that this guy is, I’ll be doing alright.
“There you are,” Oscar’s voice comes from the archway leading to the main foyer and just the sight of him relaxes me. He strides across the living room with his gaze locked on mine, not even acknowledging his employer before he stands in front of me and then pulls me up from my seat and into his strong hug.
He smells freshly showered, his signature coconut and lime bodywash tickling my nose as I press my face into the crook of his neck.Daddy, I think almost desperately.Safe.
It should be startling that I’ve come to think of this young man as my safe space, but we’ve gotten close over these past few months, and I believe Maddy would be relieved to know that I’m not alone anymore.
“Oh, darlin’, I’ve got you,” he murmurs soothingly, his hand rubbing up and down my spine, and I’m surprised to realise that I’m shaking. “You can let go. I’m taking over now.”
Just like that, the last of my worries fade away. I trust that he will follow through on his pronouncement. The fact that he took the initiative to call Trev and organise a lawyer for me while I was still melting down over the letter I received this morning means more than I can properly express. He knew exactly what I needed, and he took care of it. Took care of me. He’s going todo the same thing now, and even if I don’t know exactly what I need, I trust that he will.
* * *
“Sit,” Daddy demands once we’re in the cabin, with him having pried me out of the main house with his own thanks issued towards Rob. He gently nudges me onto the loveseat in front of the unlit fireplace. “I’ll sort out a light dinner because I’m guessing you haven’t eaten, and then we’ll talk.”
I scrunch my nose. I don’t want to talk. I want to be draped over his lap and spanked into subspace. I want him to paddle my arse red and raw, until I’m sobbing and letting out all of my pent-up emotions. I want pain and release.
“We’re not going into a scene until I know you’re really okay to.” His tone is a strange mix of empathetic and commanding. “So, food then talking. After that, we’ll take things as they come. Understood?”
As much as I really need the release, I do appreciate that he’s putting my mental and physical health first. “Yes,” I nod.
He arches an eyebrow. “Yeswhat, Ryan?”
Straightening my spine, I allow the shiver of pure arousal to travel through me at that firm, serious tone. “Yes, Daddy.”
Oscar smiles. “Good boy. Now, try and relax and I’ll throw a quick dinner together.”
He rummages around in the kitchenette, pulling things out of the fridge and the cupboards as he quite literally throws together a salad with some grilled chicken and a vinaigrette dressing. We eat at the little two-seat dining table and then settle back on the couch together after he washes the dishes, allowing me to dry them.
I have to admit, I’m feeling significantly better for having eaten and exchanged small talk over our meal. I’ve still got stressand anxiety itching under my skin, but I don’t feel close to breaking down anymore. Daddy looks relieved when I tell him so.
“Good,” he says softly. “I’m happy to give you the relief you need, but I won’t ever do it if you’re too far gone in your head to give proper, considered consent. I need to know that you’ll still safe-word if things go too far, you know?”
How could he have ever doubted himself as a Daddy or a Dom?
“Thank you, Daddy. That means a lot to me.” He’s got my best interests at heart, and that only solidifies my trust in him.
It also reaffirms my love for him.
Before I can open my mouth to tell him that, he asks me, “What do you need tonight, darlin’?”
I think about how deeply I trust him. About how intimate I need my punishment and release to feel. The answer comes to me easily, though it’s not something I’ve let anyone other than Maddy do to me before.
Licking my lips, I raise my chin and look him in the eyes, knowing that this isn’t something I can appear hesitant to suggest. He has to know how serious I am.