“There aresomany HR violations happening right now,” I mutter, making her laugh.
“What HR?” Sarah asks me cheekily. “Do you need to report me to yourself, bossman?”
I groan. “I swear this is a lawsuit waiting to happen.”
“I think we’re good,” she shrugs. “You’re not the creepy old boss hitting on his young receptionist.” Her smile fades away. “But if I am actually making you uncomfortable, I’ll stop. I know I can be a bit full-on.”
“I’m always uncomfortable talking about sex outside of…” I trail off, catching myself before I can give her more information about my private interests than necessary. “Anyway, no, you’re not really making me uncomfortable. In fact, I’ve missed having friends to shoot the shit with. It’s not as easy to do from the other side of the country.”
“I’m glad to hear that,” Sarah grins at me, looping her arm in mine as we leave the clinic, locking the doors and setting the alarms as we go, “because now that you’ve admitted that we’re friends, you’re gonna tell meeverythingabout your new boy.”
I snort.I’m the Boy, I think wryly, replying, “Ask your questions and I’ll tell you what I can.”
* * *
Dinner with Oscar on Friday night is fuelled by an undercurrent of excitement and anticipation. We get the bulk of the weekend to ourselves, barring any emergency calls, and from the moment I stepped across the threshold of my villa, the tension between us has been escalating.
I swear, Oscar has been deliberately teasing me with light touches and sweet, chaste kisses. He’s edging me without doing anything overtly sexual, making me crave more of him with every brush of his hand over my shoulder or dusting of his lips over my cheeks and forehead.
Nothing even remotely flirtatious is said, though. We talk about my day and which animals I treated, then we switch over to Oscar’s observations of the town and how much he enjoyed a lazy day spent sunbathing on the beach behind my house.From there we toss around plans for the weekend. It turns out the Shark Bay markets are happening on Sunday. We agree that it sounds like a fun event to explore, and if we want to spend Saturday in bed so we have the energy for a day out on Sunday…well, why not? At least, that’s my logic, and I’m sticking with it.
“Or,” Oscar laughs, sounding amused and indulgent after I make my suggestion, even as he carefully stacks our dishes into the dishwasher, “we can check out Shell Beach? I was reading about how unique it is and I kinda want to see it.”
“You know, I haven’t actually visited it,” I consider, with a frown, feeling a bit like a bad local. I know I’m originally from Queensland, but I’ve lived here for a couple of months now and I should have made more of an effort to explore the surroundings of my new home. I pop the dishwasher tablet into its spot, shutting the lid for the compartment before shutting the front of the dishwasher.
“Then I guess that’s settled,” his tone is definitive, and it makes me smile. It eases some of the tension I didn’t realise I was carrying to have him make the decision for me. He smiles and continues, “I’d like to get some fish and chips and do the Aussie thing of eating ’em at the beach, too.” Leaning in conspiratorially, he adds, “I haven’t actually had any fish and chips since I’ve been here. In Australia, I mean.”
“That’s sacrilege,” I sigh dramatically, shaking my head. “I guess I’ll have to teach you, then, Daddy.”
“I’m game for anythin’ you want to teach me, darlin’.”
Somehow, I don’t think he’s talking about food anymore.
* * *
Waking up together on Saturday morning without the pressure of either of us having to work is blissful. The sun filtering through the gaps around the blinds is already nearinguncomfortably warm, especially with Oscar wrapped around me like some kind of cuddly octopus, but I’m too comfortable and happy to mind. At some point during the night, we must have kicked off the sheets as they’re tangled around our ankles, but I find I prefer being able to see the full expanse of Oscar’s smooth, inked skin in the morning light.
My cock, already half-hard in its morning state, fills more as I drink him in.
A tiny pang of wistfulness hits me as I recall so many mornings like this spent with Maddy. I don’t feel as though moving on is a betrayal or anything, and I know he would have wanted me to love and be loved again, the same way I would have wanted him to eventually find love if our roles were reversed, but I still miss him.
I know I’ll always miss him, and that’s okay. Oscar understands that. He would never ask me to hide or change that, either.
Besides, it’s not that Maddy wouldn’t have wanted me to grieve for him —because I know he would definitely have grieved me if I’d died before him— but he wouldn’t have wanted me to spend the rest of my life alone.
Plus, I think as a smile curls my lips,he would have thought Oscar was hot, too. He would have approved. Hell, he might have invited him to join us.
Come to think of it, Maddy definitely would have approved of Oscar’s Daddy Dom ideologies, too.
Oscar’s dick twitches against my hip, pulling me out of my musings. “Mmm,” he almost purrs, slowly sliding one tattooed hand down my furry chest and belly before wrapping it around my now very awake cock, “good morning, handsome.” He leans back and then winks at me. “And good morning to you, too.”
I chuckle, but the sound is cut off with a gasp as he starts to stroke me, using my precum for lube.
“Yes,” he drawls, shifting his position so our faces are closer together, “a very good morning indeed.”
“I’ve got morning breath,” I warn him, and he shrugs without letting go of my cock.
“Don’t care. I’m not minty-fresh either.”