Page 25 of A Stable Daddy

“Don’t threaten me with a good time, Daddy.”

* * *

We wake up before dawn, something it seems we’re both used to. What we’re not used to, though, is the novelty of waking up in someone else’s arms, or with someone else’s morning wood nudging against us. Neither one of us has the willpower to stop when we start to kiss, morning breath be damned, and we rut against each other slowly, even as Oscar’s second alarm goes off, warning him that he will be late for work.

“You shouldn’t skip breakfast,” I tell him, even as I’m closing my eyes to enjoy the feeling of his fist wrapping around both of our dicks.

“I’m…fuck…the Daddy, honey,” he pants out, stealing a couple more soft kisses before adding, “I make the rules.”

At this point, I’ve forgotten the point of whatever it was I was trying to argue. “Yes, Daddy,” I agree, my own breathing turning ragged as his jerking becomes more frenetic.

I open my eyes to watch him for a moment, drinking in the blissful expression on his handsome face, finding the dusting of stubble over his jaw ridiculously attractive in the slowly dawning sunlight. Tell-tale jolts of pleasure start to travel through my nerve-endings, and my balls send up a warning that they’re close. “Oh, fuck,” I groan, “Fuck, fuck, fuck. I’m going to—nnnngh.”

“Fuuuuck,” he growls out, his release joining mine between our bodies, splashing over his fist and our bellies. He slams his mouth back on mine to ride out the final moments of our mutual orgasms, kissing me with an intense, possessive passion that has me wishing we could go again.

I’m lightheaded and breathing hard when we part, unable to stop sharing tiny, sweet chaste pecks to each other’s lips in the afterglow.

“I could get used to waking up like this,” I murmur, and he sighs happily.

“Me too.”

Sadly, with him living on a station three hours’ drive away from my vet practice, the likelihood of that happening is…not great. I don’t put voice to the thought, though. Yes, the distance is going to be a problem, but not an insurmountable one. Not when the chemistry between us is this good.

Not when I can finally see myself being happy again.

And that is a simultaneously daunting and uplifting realisation to have as I hurriedly clean myself up and get dressed, ready for a long drive back to the new life I’ve been building for myself.

I just hope Oscar can really be a part of it.

Chapter Ten – Oscar

One of the many things I love about working for Rob is that he isn’t one of those employers who runs his workers into the ground. He believes that happy employees are the most productive employees, so he gives us a fair, rotating roster, expecting us to work our asses off for two weeks, then we get one week off.

So, I spend the full week and a half following my night with Ryan balancing my usual long hours with texts and the occasional late-night call to my new boyfriend. I haven’t taken him on a date yet, but I don’t feel right calling him anything more casual than that. Not after the quality of the time we’ve shared together.

I don’t just open up to anyone, and I get the feeling Ryan is the same. For whatever reason, we have connected with each other, and I feel like we could have something really special if we work for it.

And we do have to work for it.

It’s difficult knowing that he’s only a few hours’ drive away while I have to work from dawn until dusk every day. But he’s busy, too, doing calls to various farms and stations and also working with the domestic animals that are brought to his practice. It sounds like his business is booming, which is great, but it only adds to the list of reasons we can’t see each other.

“I’m considering hiring another vet. Maybe someone fresh out of uni looking to learn the ropes on owning their ownpractice,” he tells me over the phone one night as I lean against the outer wall of my bunk house. Dusty’s snoring in his bunk inside, and it wouldn’t be right to keep him up with my late-night conversation. “That’s…how I met Maddy, actually.”

“Ohhh,” I tease, “was there some inappropriate boss/employee hanky-panky? How scandalous.”

His laughter is rich and warm as it travels down the line and I wish I could see the matching joy on his face, to count the laughter lines in the corners of his pretty eyes and kiss his smiling lips.

Oh, man. I’m seriously gone for this Boy.

“No, nothing scandalous happened. Sorry to burst your bubble. I asked him out, we had dinner a few times, then we kissed for the first time…it was all very vanilla and above board, I’m afraid.”

There’s nothing vanilla about him now, though. I guess that came with time.

I make a show of sighing exaggeratedly. “Well, maybe I can come visit you at work on my days off andwecan do some scandalous things in your office.”

He’s quiet for a moment, and I’m worried that I might have overstepped before his voice turns seductive and he asks, “What kind of scandalous things,” he pauses, then adds, “Daddy?”

I groan and, casting cautious glances to the left and right to ensure that I’m alone, palm my cock through my jeans. “You’re not playin’ fair, darlin’,” I accuse, hearing the breathlessness in my own voice. “You know what you do to me.”