“I’ll admit, I wouldn’t hate it if a piano fell on him or somethin’.”
Ryan chuckles. “Well, we can just imagine it, hmm?”
This is the moment I give in to the urge to roll over to face him, warmth suffusing me at the playful smile pulling at his lips. I swear his eyes are glinting with it, too.
With his arms still wrapped around me, I feel cared for. Wanted, and not just sexually…though there is a definite bulge brushing against mine, which suggests that he’s just as affected by our proximity as I am. It’s been a long time since I haven’t felt lonely, and I want to revel in how nice it is just to be held.
But I’vejusttold the story of how I ended up living so far from home, and it feels like maybe I need to learn from that whole experience.
Don’t go throwin’ all your eggs in one basket so quickly again, says the little voice in my head which still sounds irritatingly like my mama.
Then Ryan’s expression turns almost shy as he quietly says, “Hi,” and that voice vanishes from my thoughts.
“Hi,” I smile back at him, my insides buzzing at the way he nibbles at his lip.
“Is this okay?” he eventually asks. “Holding you like this?”
“Darlin’, I—” I almost say ‘could die a happy man right now’ and only just manage to catch myself.Don’t make jokes about death to the widower.“I really like it,” I say instead. “Truth be told, it’s been an age since anyone last held me like this. It’s nice. Especially with you.”
Oh, that gorgeous blush of his…
With pink cheeks, he admits, “It’s been a long time for me, too. I’ve missed this.”
“Were you the big spoon with Maddy? Wait, shit, sorry. I probably shouldn’t be mentioning him while we’re gettin’ all cosy, should I?”
The startled look in his eyes softens and he shakes his head. “I don’t mind. It doesn’t make me feel weird or sad or anything.” He leans back a little and frowns. “Unless it’s weird and uncomfortable for you.”
“Nah,” I brush his concern off, “I’m the one who brought him up.”
“You sure? I can’t imagine hearing me talk about my ex is all that appealing for you.”
I’m already shaking my head before he’s finished talking. “One, he’s notjustan ex. And I’m adult enough to know that I’m not gonna be competing with a dead man. I want you to tell me about him, if you’re comfortable with it. Everythin’ and anythin’ you want to tell me.”
Ryan smiles and nods. “I’ve met men twice your age who aren’t anywhere near as mature as you.”
“Yeah, well, I’m a Daddy. It wouldn’t work so well if I wasn’t.”
“Mmm,” he agrees, thoughtfully. “But you’re a Daddy who likes being the little spoon?”
“Actually…you’re the first Boy to hold me that way. I’m usually the big spoon. But…I did like it. With you.”
His lips pull into a self-satisfied smile. “Yeah, well, Maddy was usually the big spoon, too. Turns out, I like it both ways.” He waggles his eyebrows and my cock twitches in interest.
“Oh, is that so?” I smirk. “I’m all for it if my Boy wants to top every once in a while.”
“Fuck,” he rasps and seems to instinctively buck his hips forward, once again rocking our clothed cocks against each other. “It’s been a long time since I…well, it’s been a long time in general, really. But…I could be a born again top.”
Smiling at his playful side, I still insist, “Honey, we’ll go at your pace. You tell me what you want, and if I can make it happen, I will.”
“Can I blow you, Daddy?”
If I don’t come in my pants at just the question…
I swallow roughly and nod. My voice is strained as I answer, “I’d love that, darlin’.”
He reaches for my belt buckle, then hesitates. “Or,” he starts to suggest, his blush slowly deepening in the most adorable way, “Maybe we could…uh…sixty-nine?”
He’s so damn sweet, it’s going to kill me.