“So I was.” I snuggle further into his embrace. The warmth of him at my back and wrapped around me is something I can definitely get used to. “Right. So, I knew early on I wanted to be a Daddy Dom, but it wasn’t until midway through my training —when I was practicing a sensory play scene with a gorgeous silver fox of a sub— that I realized I had a real thing for older men.”
He squeezes me again and nuzzles that gorgeous goatee of his against the back of my neck. “I hadn’t noticed,” he murmurs playfully as my body reacts and I shiver.
“You’re not playing fair, sweet boy. I might need to call you my naughty boy, instead.”
“Only if you’ll spank me, too, Daddy. Otherwise, that’s just mean.”
I groan, telling my cock not to get any ideas. “Did you want me to keep telling the story or not?”
“Sorry, Daddy.” His apology does nothing to curb my libido. “Continue.”
After clearing my throat, I say, “I’ve had a few long-term Daddy/Boy relationships over the years. Two of the three of them were with older men. All ended amicably. I kind of prided myself on that.”
“Honesty and communication.”
“Exactly.” I smile, but it fades as I reach the point of my wind up. “Anyway, as you can imagine, being gay in the South has its challenges. Add my personal kinks and then my preference for older men to that and I found myself getting lonely after I went back to my parents’ ranch in Texas to help ’em through some tough times…not that my pops or mama were particularly appreciative. We love each other, but it works better at a distance, y’know?”
“Mmmhhmm. So you were lonely. I can relate to that.”
My sweet Boy.
“I’m hoping we’ll help each other not feel that way anymore.”
“Me too. Now. Story.”
“Don’t be bossy, honey. That’s my job.”
At my back, he huffs and I feel his breath ghost over my skin and ruffle my hair.
“Anyway,” I force myself back on topic, fighting the urge to roll in his arms and kiss him senseless. “I was lonely, and I wentonline and joined a whole heap of Discord chats and Facebook groups and dating apps lookin’ to connect with someone. Then I met Richard online and he ticked all my boxes.” Ryan’s arms tighten around me again, because it’s obvious where this is going. “We chatted for months, then Facetimed. I fell head over heels for his accent and his personality and…well, justhim. He lived in Brisbane and spun tales about the future we’d have together, and I believed him. So, after my parents and I had another fight about me doin’ everythin’ in my power to not fit in, I decided it was time to follow my dreams for good. I sold my truck and just about everythin’ I owned, got myself a passport, organised my VISA and right to work stuff, got myself a ticket to Brisbane, and I flew my smalltown-USA ass out to Australia to surprise my Boy.”
“Oh no.”
Snorting bitterly, I nod. “Oh yes. So, I’m jetlagged and buzzing on pure adrenaline when I get to his house —because he’d given me his address when we started sendin’ each other gifts— and I don’t know which one of us was more horrified when we finally met. Me, him, or his wife and kids.”
Shame and embarrassment wash over me as I relive the moment where time had stopped. Guilt, too, because I’m pretty sure my unannounced arrival destroyed his marriage…though I’m not so messed up that I can’t see that it’s all his own fault for cheating to begin with.
But he wasn’t cheatingonme. He was cheatingwithme. And even if I didn’t know it, I feel complicit. Dirty. Not good enough for the sweet man holding me against his chest and murmuring condolences in my ear, that’s for sure.
“Jesus,” Ryan breathes, squeezing me tightly, “I can’t imagine what you were feeling. Like having the rug pulled out from under your feet, but even worse because it was by someoneyou trusted.” His tone turns indignant. “What a wanker,” he huffs out. “I’m so sorry you went through that.”
“It was my own fault. I’m the idiot who made the snap decision to surprise his online boyfriend…”
“You’re not an idiot. How were you supposed to know he was lying to you? That he was married? Did he ever tell you?”
“Of course not!” I don’t mean to sound quite so defensive as I jump to refute the idea. Taking a breath, I apologise. “Sorry. It’s just…I’d never be that person.”
“I know,” Ryan’s tone is still soft and understanding. “Honesty and open communication. That’s your thing, Daddy.”
For all that I’ve been blaming myself for the mess with Richard, hearing the conviction in Ryan’s voice has my throat tightening as relief sets in.
He doesn’t think I’m an idiot.
“It’s pretty fitting his name was Richard,” he continues to muse as I try to get my emotions back under control. “Dick is a very appropriate nickname for him. The dick.” He spits the last two words with venom and snuggles up against me. “I hope karma gets him.”
“You believe in karma?” I find that strange. He’s a man of science and medicine, for one thing. For another, what kind of terrible things does he think he and Maddy did to deserve the hand they were dealt in life?
I feel him shrug. “I like the sentiment, but I don’t actually believe there’s a universal power that dishes out consequences to dicks like him or anything.”