I practically whited out as my orgasm crashed over me, with the answering echo of Rex’s own following directly afterwards. Smaller jolts of bliss came next as I clenched around Rex’s knot and he came again and again, weaker but still just as pleasurable.
He groaned and pushed himself up into a seated position, grimacing through the additional stimulation to his knot, reaching around me to release the tie binding my hands and feet together. With a look of concentration on his handsome face, he also undid the ties on my wrists and ankles, so we could fall to the mattress more comfortably.
Sated, I began to drift to sleep, lulled there by the way his fingers were gently trailing over the remaining ropes over my torso.
“You’re perfect, kitten,” he murmured, sounding awed. “I still can’t believe you’re mine.”
“I’m glad.” I yawned and closed my eyes, smiling softly. “You’re kind of stuck with me, cowboy.”
Then I drifted off to sleep, thinking about just how perfect he was, too.
* **
“And you’re sure you don’t want to trial the birth control Eric and I have created?” Brandt asked, bouncing Cam on his lap while Duke and Rory tumbled around on the rug, fighting over a stuffed toy wolf. They had two of the things, of course, but like most siblings, each one wanted whatever the other had.
I felt the stab of sheer panic coming from my mate through the bond and I snickered, shaking my head, not even bothering to look over at him, where he was rolling around in his puma form, entertaining a bunch of older kids, who were still too young to shift. I didn’t care what he said, he was a natural dad.
“No, Brandt. I’m not being a guinea pig. What if they fail?” More of that panic raced through the bond. I sent back a wave of exasperation, still looking at Brandt as I gestured to the brawling toddlers. “I don’t need that in my life, thanks.”
We were on guard duty during the monthly run. There were additional security sweeps around the property, and Sage was still investigating my theory about tapping into magic to create magical protections, too.
In the year or so since the attempted abduction of our children, our pack had not only become far more security-conscious, but had also grown significantly. We had yet to connect another omega with a ‘hidden alpha’, as Eric was still calling them, but people were leaving their cult-minded packs and coming to us for sanctuary on a weekly basis.
Unsurprisingly, Morstein’s rants about the ‘Neo-Shifter Movement’ had increased in answer to his gradually dwindling flock. Some of the newer shifters had even reported that their packs were reconsidering their structure and ties to Moonmusic, which was probably also making Morstein mad. However, if enough packs pulled away from him, he was justone man and he’d do less damage without their support.
I’d also had the shock of my life when Brandi had stopped wearing scent blockers and revealed that she was also an alpha. A female alpha. My mind had been blown, but Beck and Rex had been relieved to have the additional alpha backup as the pack continued to grow.
Due to the expansion of our pack, the human townships in the area had also become aware of our existence. However, Beck and Eric worked overtime to make connections and prove that we weren’t all that different to them. That had meant that they’d had to warn the humans about theotherkinds of shifters, too, but they were both convinced that we were making allies among our neighboring towns and that would only benefit us in the long run. I was on the fence about that.
Some of the local scientists and doctors had also offered their help and equipment towards Eric, Ollie and Brandt’s research, and many businesses were willing to employ the new shifters moving into the area, too.
Where we had started as a fledgling, mottled pack, we now felt far more substantial and powerful. With three alphas at the helm, most teething issues as we expanded were dealt with efficiently and quickly. But that also meant that we needed to be even more vigilant against attacks from the old-school cult-y shifters.
I really needed to think of a better way to describe them.
The Moonmusic sect, maybe?
Either way, the more they lost followers, the more tithes they were losing. Their bid for not only financial control, but social power would only become more desperate over time. Eric was having a larger building built for town meetings, butalso for times like this, where the most vulnerable members of the pack were even more defenseless and exposed.
Still, none of that detracted from my personal happiness.
Brandt pretended to be affronted. “You believe my calculations are off?”
“I believe that no birth control is one hundred percent effective.”
“Amen to that,” Lena huffed and dropped into the seat beside me, rubbing her hand over her heavily pregnant belly. “A word to the wise: the implant can fail during a heat.”
I laughed, while Brandt sighed and told her, “Your implant was due for replacement. If you hadn’t left it so long, you and Brandi would still be pretending you were happy just dating.”
“You’re a town doctor,” she complained at him, “you’re supposed to be professional and impartial.”
He shrugged. “I’ve been here since the beginning. I’m your friend, too. If you want impartial, switch to one of the new doctors.”
Yeah; the town had expanded so much that we had a proper doctor’s clinic in the main street and everything, but I still worked for Eric and Brandt in what they had rebranded to their fertility and birth center.
Lena rolled her eyes and pouted. “I don’t wanna.”
“My, how the tables have turned,” Ollie teased her as he wandered into the room. He seemed to take great pleasure in his friends’ situation. I assumed there was a story there, but that was their business. He sat beside her and placed his hand over her belly, smiling when one of the babies inside kicked. “Weren’t you the one placing bets that it would be Beck and me having more babies?”