Page 81 of Suspicious

Ingrid smiles at Livvy. “Thanks for watching him while we helped set up.”

Livvy waves her hand through the air absentmindedly. “Oh, it was nothing. I had to guard Poppy, so it was the logical thing.”

Hurricane, Novah, Nash, and Brianna from NOLA make their way over, and it’s Nash who is the first to speak. “Mom, you’re looking tired. Are you getting enough sleep?” he asks.

Novah elbows her brother in the ribs, glaring at him. “Shut up! You didnotjust say that.”

“No, he’s right. South, what the fuck is goin’ on? You not takin’ care of our mom?” Hurricane grunts, and I widen my eyes, wondering if I should turn away, but Sadie grips my arm, keeping me on the spot.

She obviously wants to hear the gossip.

South exhales, bobbing their son on his hip as Ingrid glares at her kids, but it is South who responds. “Your mother, my Old Lady, has a one-year-old son. And even though I knowshe’s capable of doing absolutelyanythingshe puts her mind to, babies are hard work, and we’ve also been taking care of my sister, Bella. You know, the entire reason we moved to LA in the first place. So yeah, she’s tired. I’m fucking tired too. But Louis is healthy, he’s strong, and we’re giving him the best fucking life he could possibly want. All while giving him a chance to be with his aunt with what little time she has left,” South snaps, clearly annoyed.

I grimace at the hurt seeping through his tone as Ingrid cuddles into his side. I don’t know much about South’s sister, Bella. Only a few small things that Loki has told me about her since I have been here. But what I do know is that South and Ingrid moved from NOLA to LA to be here to help her while she is battling Motor Neuron Disease. The last thing Loki told me about Bella is that she isn’t doing too well, and that’s why she isn’t here today for her nephew’s first birthday party.

Ingrid holds South tighter as Hurricane dips his head in apology. “Shit, brother… you know how I get when it comes to Mom. I didn’t realize everythin’ was that heavy for you guys over here right now—”

“Hurricane, darling, you know I love you, but this protectiveness over me has got to settle. South is taking such good care of Louis and me, all while being the main carer for Bella too. He’s the best man I haveeverknown. You seriously need to cut him some slack. We’re here to enjoy the party for Louis and Poppy… can we just do that, please?”

Novah elbows Hurricane in the side. “Seriously, big guy, lighten the hell up. You have kids of your own now too. You know what it’s like being a new parent. Let’s just enjoy the celebrations,” Novah chimes, moving in, taking her half-brother, Louis, from South’s arms and cuddling into him tightly. “Hey, my little bro, let’s go show you off to Bayou, shall we? Yes, we shall!” she coos, taking off with him, giggling all the way.

Nash steps up to South, patting him on the back. “C’mon… let’s get you a drink. Leave Ingrid and Hurricane to catch up.”

South glances at Ingrid, and she smiles. “Go on, have fun. Relax a little. You need to unwind. Just have fun at your son’s birthday. We’ll go back to caring for Bella and everything else that goes with it tomorrow, okay?”

South exhales, nodding his head. “Yeah… okay,” he replies and walks off toward the bar with Nash while Ingrid and Hurricane take off for the kitchen.

Sadie and I turn to face each other, eyes wide. “Do you think they even knew we were right here the whole time?” Sadie asks.

Snorting out a laugh, I shrug. “I have no clue, but at least I know a little bit more about the people of this club. I feel like there issomuch to learn about everyone.”

Sadie chuckles. “Everyone comes from complicated backgrounds in a place like this. I guess you don’t end up in a biker club if you are a straight-A student with no priors and had a perfect childhood, you know?”

Chuckling, I nod as we make our way through Zone One to see Rip and Rhyan’s friend from class, Autumn, racing through the paintball arena together, being completely outgunned by Poppy. Rip pulls Autumn closer to him, protecting her from the incoming paint flying their way as he lands on top, covering her. The mass of paintballs slams into his back as Poppy laughs maniacally, holding her gun like something you’d see in the Godfather movies. “I think I got you, Rip!” she chimes happily, finally stopping her assault and lowering her gun.

Rip awkwardly climbs off Autumn, clearly in pain, as he dips his head to Poppy. Paint drips from him, and he places his hand out to help Autumn get up from the floor. “Yeah, you got in some gnarly hits there, little grommet.”

Poppy holds her gun up in the air in triumph as Autumn peers up at Rip in awe. “Thanks, Rip. You really put yourself on theline for me.”

A lazy smirk crosses his face as he shrugs. “Aww, it was nothin’. I’d totally take a bullet for you any day, Autum—” Then, before he can finish his word, Poppy fires off two rounds straight into Autumn’s stomach.

Sadie and I burst out laughing as Autumn hunches over, gasping for breath. Rip instantly rubs her back to comfort her as Poppy giggles, holding her gun up to her shoulder. “Never take your eyes off the ball, Autumn. Thisiswar, after all,” Poppy states.

Rip glares at Poppy as she continues to smirk like she has won, but then suddenly, Autumn stands and starts unloading her gun toward Poppy, hitting her a couple of times.

Poppy laughs frantically and takes off running. “Oh, it’s on, Autumn. It’s ooon!” Poppy yells, running further into the arena, with Autumn laughing as she takes off after her.

Rip continues to stand on the spot like he’s stunned as he glances over at us. “What just happened?” he asked.

Shrugging, I tilt my head toward the course. “The girls wanna play. You better get your ass in there if you want any chance of winning this round.”

Rip rolls his obviously sore shoulders, then bends down, picking up his gun. “Oh, you want war, little grommet? You’re about to see what it’s like when you mess with the big kahuna!”

Sadie and I laugh as he takes off into the area, yelling at the top of his lungs. I have to admit, it’s a pretty hilarious sight to witness. The sounds all around the clubhouse are of laughter, fun-filled screams, and people having the absolute best time.

It’s nice to be able to let my hair down and relax, even if it’s just for a moment.

Sadie takes off, making her way for Maverick, who is sitting with Dutch and Strings as they try to figure out the best way to set up the cake stand. I have no clue where Theo and Lokiare, but I haven’t seen them since the party started. I just hope they haven’t hidden themselves away in the den and continued working.