Page 76 of Suspicious

“Okay, let me try to get all this right in my head. Firstly, she said to tell her man not to come and visit, she didn’t need him and that she was making a heap of friends.”

Alpha shrugs. “Hmm… vague, but okay, anything else?”

“Oh, yeah, this is where it gets weird. She said to tell you that she knows you’re messing around with some stupid Eleutheria bitch.” His eyes widen at the mention of that name, but I continue, “And that if you know what’s good for you, you’d send her into the prison so that Tammy-Lynn could… well, I’ll say it nicer than she did, beat her up.”

Alpha burst out laughing, sitting back in his chair, his hands gripping the back of his neck as he relaxes completely. “I knew she’d fucking do it, my little lamb.”

Pursing my lips, I sit taller, completely confused. “Umm… do what?”

He sits forward, placing his hands on the desk, a bright smile crossing his face. “The thing is, Bea, Haven spoke to you completely in code, but I understood every single word. Because I know her like the back of my damn hand.”

“Then, what the hell did she say?” I snap.

“She wanted you to come talk to me because she knew only I would understand the code. That’s why she was making the conversation about her man being an asshole. The next clue was about her making a heap of friends in there. It means she’s cracked someone and has the information we need. But I only twigged on that when I heard you mention Eleutheria. That was the name she gave me when she was sent to kill me as an assassin—”

“Shewhat?”I blurt out.

“Not important right now. What is important is that I know she has broken someone. She used her techniques to get the information from someone inside.”

“Oh, Jesus,” I whisper more to myself.

“She wants you to go in there so she can hand over the information. She doesn’t trust it over the phone. That was the last clue. Telling you to send Eleutheria to see her so she couldfight her. That’s Tammy-Lynn’s cover. She’s a badass and wants to fight everyone. But you, as Bea, still need to go in to sign up Tammy-Lynn onto the app. It won’t be out of place for you to visit again. Whatever information Haven has cracked, Bea, it could be the solution to all your problems.”

My tense muscles slump into the chair as I stare at Alpha. “She wasreallysent here to kill you?” I ask.

“That’s all you got from that?” Alpha bursts out laughing, moving to stand from his seat. “C’mon… let’s go talk to Loki and get you ready to head back to the prison.”

Giggling as I stand, I nod and move with him. “Thanks, Alpha. Thank you all for helping me with this. I don’t know how I will ever be able to repay you all.”

He grins. “You’re Defiance, Bea. It’s what we do.”

A comforting heat floods my chest as I realize this could be the saving grace I have been waiting for. Now, all I have to do is pull up my big girl panties and head back into the prison for another visit with Tammy-Lynn.

This should be fun.



My stomach is in knots as I walk through the security checkpoint to head into the large visitor room. I have been here more times than I can count. But this time feels different. This could help me in ways I don’t even understand. If Haven and Valerie have the information to help get me out of this mess, then I can’t evenbeginto thank them.

But first things first—I need to hear what they have to say and not give myself away in the process.

Plastering on my usual bright smile, I head on through into the large room, spotting Valerie and Haven, who is very much in her Tammy-Lynn character right now. She’s eyeballing me as I approach, like she’s ready to kill me. If I didn’t know it was all an act, I would probably be terrified of her right now.

Taking my seat opposite the two, Valerie smiles while Tammy-Lynn practically growls like a dog. It’s almost comical. But I don’t react. Just slide my app information out onto the table as if I am here for business. “Hi, ladies, nice to see you again,” I state.

“Hi, Bea. I’ve convinced Tammy-Lynn here that she’s in desperate need of your app. She’s been causing trouble inside with other inmates. There have been a few… incidences, and Tammy-Lynn ended up in solitary for her actions.”

I snap my head to Tammy-Lynn, and a bright smile lines her face. “Bitch deserved it.”

Letting out a long breath, I nod. “Okay… I’m thinking you’re definitely going to need the meditation section of the app…”

Tammy-Lynn scoffs. “Do you have a section on the app that deals with aches and pains?” She holds up her right hand,her knuckles bruised, cracked, and swollen when she flexes her fingers. “Because this stupid cunt in here broke her nose on my damn knuckles.”

Biting down on my lips, I fight back a laugh.

Valerie rolls her eyes and leans in closer. “Okay, the thing is, Bea, Tammy-Lynn has been doing her thing in there, and we’ve found out some pretty intense information,” she whispers.