Page 12 of Suspicious



As a club, we make our way down the back to where the stolen Rojas Cartel wine trucks are located. The ones we took from the Steel Serpent MC’s clubhouse when we completely annihilated it to save Sadie and Haven.

It’s also where we poached Wes.

He was a Serpent.

Our enemy.

But because he is Sadie’s blood brother, and in the end, he helped us defeat them and save our people, so we took a chance on him. Honestly, he’s been invaluable ever since. And right now, with us all walking toward the trucks we stole from Wes’ old clubhouse, the ones Alpha and I have been working on quietly in the background since we brought them here, the plan I missed out on in the Chapel is slowly starting to formulate in my mind.

The Rojas Cartel has been a thorn in LA Defiance’s side for years.

Ricco Rojas has practically been a ghost.

Heneverattacks with his people, only sending them to do his dirty work for him. And when he sent his men for us, he hit hard—multiple times.

First, with Poppy, Alpha’s daughter, taking her and making us all think she was dead when he actually sent her to an assassin training facility. That had a snowball effect, including ending Alpha and Livvy’s marriage. Livvy left the club, and Alpha spiraled for years—until he met Haven.

It left Rhyan with no confidence. She completely collapsed in on herself because she was babysitting Poppy when she wastaken. Rhyan thought it was her fault all that time that Poppy was presumed dead—when she wasn’t.

The club was in turmoil.

Our VP at the time, Swift, was an interloper. It felt like ever since the cartel came into our lives,everythingwent to shit.

They are the ones who ran and operated The Nest. They took all those young girls from their families—including Haven.

Ricco Rojas is the worst of the worst, and yet, we canneverget near him.

But with access to their own trucks?Maybe, just maybe, we can.

Moving alongside Alpha as we march up to the Rojas Cartel wine trucks, I lean in close to his ear so no one can hear but him. “Is this Operation Trojan?”

Alpha smirks with a slight chuckle. “You really were daydreaming in Church, weren’t you, brother?”

Letting out an exhale, I roll my shoulders. “Won’t happen again, Pres.”

He grips my shoulder, nodding his head. “I know Bea being here is throwing you off your game, but right now, Loki, I need you here. In this. With me. If we can pull off Operation Trojan, this couldreallyhelp us. But if we fuck it up…” he leaves the words hanging in the air.

Swallowing heavily, I let out a long puff of air. “You sure you wanna trust a job this important tohim?”I ask, glancing over my shoulder at Atlas, the asshole who is covered in mud, slop, and blood.

Alpha sighs, the weight of the burden heavy on his shoulders. “It’s him or one of us… and I would much rather it behim.”

Titling my head, I can’t argue with him there. What Atlas is about to do is dangerous—driving straight-into-cartel-territory kind of dangerous.

I just don’t think he realizes the extent of the job he has beengiven, and there’s no way in hell we’re going to tell him either.

“As much as I enjoy seeing Atlas looking like a pig, we’re gonna need to hose him off before he gets in that truck. Otherwise, they’ll suspect him instantly.” I let out a small chuckle.

Alpha grins, raising his brow. “Shame… he suits the slovenly look.”

Snorting out a laugh, I step forward, gesturing to Wes. “Prospect, grab that high-pressure hose. Make Atlas more presentable, will you?”

Atlas widens his eyes, Montana chuckles to himself, and Wes grabs the hose. “You got it, VP!” Wes draws out the hose, aiming the high-pressure nozzle toward Atlas while the rest of the guys stand back out of the way. Atlas clenches his eyes, and Wes lets it rip. The water slams Atlas straight in the chest, and he instantly falls back, flat on his ass. His hands flail about, trying to stop the barrage of water Wes drowns him in.

The rest of the guys cheer and laugh watching on while Alpha and I move to the rear of the wine truck to check everything is where it needs to be. I hoist the roller door up to see all the crates we have installed inside, ready to go with wiring coming out of the sides. The timing devices are set on my cell. I just need to go in and activate the explosives one by one so they’re able to receive the ping when the time comes.