Page 102 of Suspicious


The Next Day

My heart races hard against my chest, and even though I know I have Haven with me, I haveneverdone anything like this in my life. Everything I have done, everything I have worked for, hasalwaysbeen about helping people.

About making their lives better.

So, what I am about to do now goes against my very foundations.

But Bennett Marshall isnota good man.

There isno way in hellthis guy should have any kind of power in our government—especially not a position as powerful as the Vice President of the United States, with ambitions of becoming President. He needs to be taken down, and if I am the person who can do that, then I’m damn well going to put my anxiety aside and, for the first time, help myself.

Causing harm to someone will never sit well with me, but if doing it will help others in the process, then thathasto be worth it.

Trying to control my breathing as Haven and I step up to the building, she glances at me. “I got your back in there. It’s gonna go perfectly. Believe in yourself. You hear me?”she states so forcefully that I have no other option but to trust her.

Nodding, I straighten out my shoulders as we walk through the double glass doors into the lobby of his office building.

Instantly, four security guards flank us, aiming weapons in our direction. “Stop right there. Both of you,” one of them demands.

My eyes widen as Haven simply raises her arms with acocky smirk on her face. “Before you start throwing your weight around, boys, you’re gonna want to radio up to bossman and tell him Beatrice Underwood is here to negotiate terms.”

The guards hesitate for a moment, but the one who seems to be in charge reaches for the radio on his shoulder and presses the receiver. “Guardian Angel, this is Gabriel, come in, over.”

Raising my brow, I side-eye Haven, and she curls up her lip as a message comes back.

“This is Gadreel, receiving you Gabriel, over.”

Trying to fight back my laugh, Haven lets out a scoff as ‘Gabriel’ continues with his radio conversation.

“Ah, we have Beatrice Underwood down here in the foyer saying she would like to negotiate terms. Can you confirm with Archangel that we are a go to ascend? Over.”

“Jesus Christ… you guys are using angel euphemisms as code names?So original.And Archangel for Bennett Marshall?Really?I think you have him confused with Lucifer. He was an angel, too, you know?Just saying…if you want to stick with the angel theme, one that is actuallymorefitting for an asshole like the governor,” Haven quips, and I snicker under my breath.

The four guards glare at us as Gadreel answers back down the radio line, “Affirmative. We are a go. Samael will be there to greet her at the elevator. Send her up now. Over.”

Inhaling sharply, I nod as Gabriel reaches out for my elbow, leading me toward the elevator. Haven steps off to move with me, but one of the other guards aims his gun at her.

“Get that thing out of my face, or Iwillshow you how a real woman uses it,” she warns.

I halt my steps, turning to Gabriel. “She’s with me,” I demand.

He chuckles, shaking his head. “No.Yougo up to see the governor alone or not at all.”

My stomach instantly knots, my concerned eyes meeting Haven’s, but she doesn’t hesitate, shoving the gun away fromher, not giving a single shit. She steps up to Gabriel, giving his shoulder a hard shove. He glares at her, and she stands taller. “You think for a single second, I am letting you take my friend up there to meet a guy called Samael, who is the angel of death, destruction, and war—”

“He is?”I blurt out in terror, but Haven continues.

“And that I’m not going with her for protection? Fuck. No. You get your motherfucking Archangel asshole on the line right damn now and tell him that if he doesn’t let the both of us up there, I am going to make one hell of a scene. A real fucking public display.And you know what, now I know all your stupid little code names, and if you ask your boss about The Nest, you just tell him that I trained under Vulture. Trust me,he’ll know what that means and what I can do with the information I now have on all ofyou.”

Gabriel’s radio crackles immediately, and a voice echoes over the line. “Let them both up.Now!” Bennett’s voice blasts through the speaker.

Haven chuckles, her eyes darting around the lobby. “Knew you could hear me, Governor. See you soon,” she chimes, winking at me, then strides up to my side as we walk together toward the elevator.

My heart races fucking hard in my chest, but I know I have to play this just right. We step inside the big silver box, the doors closing behind us. Gabriel still has his gun still firmly on display as we begin the ride to the top level of the building. My palms are sweating, and my skin feels like it’s trembling.

But I know Ihaveto do this.