She leaned back, using her fingers to spread her pussy. I watched as she drew up and sank back down, my own fingers joining her. She let her fingers graze along her clit and then spread around my cock, feeling me disappear inside her.
The sight of it was so fucking intoxicating, teamed with a pleasure so fucking euphoric. Not to mention doing all this in the Chapel, on the Church table. That was fucking epic.
Moaning, my breath heavy as she slid her fingers back up, pressing on her clit while she reached back with her other hand to gently cup my balls once more. A low growl escaped me as a warning for her not to try moving lower, but the vibration it sent through her body had her head falling back, her hips rolling with abandon.
Both of us right on the edge.
The ache too strong to deny any longer.
Her fingers worked her clit faster, her pussy clenched around me, and I dipped my thumb lower, teasing the edge of her entrance while my cock slid in and out. She couldn’t hold back. Just as Bea’s orgasm hit, she sunk a finger past my back entrance.
I wasn’t expecting the adrenaline wave that consumed me.
A tsunami of pleasure swept over my body, drowning every inch of my soul. Even though everything in me was thinking, stop, my body wouldn’t cooperate. Instead, my vision turned hazy, stars danced in its path, and my hearing went almost completely deaf in the moment. The force of our joint release drowned out my protests. Each jolt of my release hit Bea deep inside, triggering aftershocks that wracked her body. At the same time, my body was trembling with the biggest climax I had ever had in my damn life.
“Holy fuck!” I spat out breathlessly, my hips jutting up as I tried to bury myself deeper.
Bea fell forward, her eyelids fluttering closed as complete euphoria took over us both. “Mmm…” she hummed, completely satiated, her body lifeless.
“That was some fucking stunt you are going to pay for later,” I said, still catching my breath. Though my tone let her know I actually enjoyed it, even though I was fighting it.
“Promises, promises,” she teased, shaking her ass.
“Loki, is everything set to go on our end?” Alpha asks, making me snap out of my reverie.
Clearing my throat and trying to bring my massive erection under control beneath the Church table, I shift in my seat uncomfortably. “Ah, yeah. We are a go for launch.”
Alpha slams his gavel on the table, then nods. “All right, then we’ve got some shit to do. Let’s get this ball rolling.”
Everyone stands to move out of the Chapel, and I hesitate for a moment, trying to let my cock settle a little more before I stand.
Alpha moves in beside me, raising his brow. “You okay? You looked like you were zoning out during the meeting. If you don’t think we should go through with the plan—”
“No… I do. Just didn’t get much sleep last night. I’m fine. We’re good to go, Pres.”
“Then get your ass out of that seat, and let’s do this!”
Smirking, I nod. “After you.”
He chuckles, and I stand, taking a deep breath while rearranging my cock, then head for the Chapel door, finally feeling it begin to calm down as I descend the stairs.
Grinning from ear to ear as I walk through the clubhouse, my eyes meet Bea’s across the room.She’s so fucking beautiful.I never would have thought Hayes would have been the one to bring Bea and me back together—but in some fucked-up way, he did. If he hadn’t gone to the governor and talked to him about Bea’s app, then he wouldn’t have hacked it, and Bea wouldn’t have come to me for help.
I guess I should have thanked Hayes for that—before I ripped the asshole apart.
Letting out a stifled laugh, I shake my head and head to stand next to Alpha as he sends a whistle through the clubhouse, gaining everyone’s attention. “Listen up.” Everyone turns to face Alpha, giving him their full attention. “We all know whathappened last night. A prospect turned on the club. Swift, our previous VP, also turned on us. Now, I don’t know what the fuck is going on, but if any of you want to leave, if any of you don’t feel comfortable in this club and how we do things…nowis the time to speak up. I’m not gonna hold it against you. I swear on my oath as president of this club, on my Old Lady, and on my kid that if any of you want out, you can hand in your patch now and leave without repercussion. I don’t want any fucking brother here who is not one-hundred percent, fully-fucking-committed to this club, to the people in it.Do. I. Make. Myself. Clear?”
Everyone nods in agreement, but no one says a word. “Good. In that case… Wes, get your ass over here.”
Wes widens his eyes but hurries to stand in front of Alpha and me. “Yes, Pres?”
“You’re our remaining prospect. You spent a lot of time with Hayes, so my question to you is, did you see this coming? Was there anything in his behavior that suggested he was turning?”
Wes exhales, rolling his shoulders like he’s uncomfortable being probed in front of everyone. His eyes dart over to look at his sister, Sadie, and she manages a small smile. He turns back to Alpha, shaking his head. “Hayes was always bitching and moaning from the moment I arrived at the club. I figured it was just him. He was constantly fucking up and looking for someone else to blame. Generally laying that blame on Loki. Looking back now, there were warning signs. I was just so focused on trying to drown out his bitching that I missed them. That’s on me, Pres.”
I turn to Alpha, and he exhales, flaring his nostrils. “You’ve done a hell of a lot since joining Defiance, Wes. You came here from the Steel Serpents after being there to protect Sadie, but even through your own admission, you let this slip through your fingers.”
Wes spins, his eyes meeting Sadie’s as Maverick wraps a protective arm around her. Her eyes beginning to water withfear.