“Yeah… but this only solves one problem. We still have to deal with Bennett-fucking-Marshall.”
“And we will. Make no mistake about that. Tonight, though,you go be with Bea. And then tomorrow, we start looking. We figure this shit out. Because one way or another, Bennett isnotmaking it to November.”
“Agreed! I gotta talk to you tomorrow about Wes. The shit he pulled tonight…” I leave it open-ended.
Alpha snorts out a laugh. “Yeah, I know. He shocked me as well. We’ll deal with that too. Get yourself cleaned up. Get some sleep. Tomorrow’s a big day.”
“You got it, Pres,” I reply. Alpha slaps my back before we all walk inside the clubhouse as a club.
Bea spots me and rushes over, her eyes spotting the mess on my clothing.
Her lips turn up in disgust as she stops just before she is about to leap into my arms. “Uh… what, orwho,is that?”
Furrowing my brow, I reach out and grab her hand, leading her toward our room. “Let’s take a shower, and I can tell you all about it.”
She leans in, this time not caring about the blood as she cuddles into me. “You want me to relieve some of that tension while you tell me about it?”
Raising my brow, I smirk. “Sparkle, you are a goddess.”
She giggles as we reach our room and rushes in, quickly pulling off her shirt over her head. “Oh, you just wait. I’ll take you to heaven all night long, baby.”
Groaning, my fingers move to my belt buckle, frantically undoing it as I kick out of my boots. “Sleep is overrated… I’m going to fuck you all night long. You good with that?”
Bea slides her skirt and panties down at the same time, then starts walking for the bathroom, tossing her bra off as she goes. “After our shower, you wanna try some weird shit in the bedroom?”
My eyes widen, my smile grows so fucking enormous as I race to throw my clothing off and meet her in the shower.
It’s been one hell of a day.
But I am so damn lucky I get to come home to a woman like Bea.
My woman.
And fuck if I am not going to do everything in my power to protect her.
To protect her business and her name from an asshole like Bennett Marshall.
If Hayes thought what I did to him was bad, wait until I’m done with the governor.
Just you fucking wait!
The Next Day
I’ve spent most of the day buried deep in my den, trying to find anything I can to help with this fucking governor problem, and it wasn’t until I had a visit from Haven that everything started to fall into place.
I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before.
But it’s been a year and a half since this mass of information fell into our laps, and we just haven’t had a need to dig into it. Haven told me to go searching. She wasn’t sure if I would find anything, but there was a hell of a lot of information in the Rojas Cartel’s database that we stole from them. Getting that access code from Haven when she worked at The Nest was thebestfucking thing we ever did.
We didn’t know it back then, but it sure as hell has come in handy for us now.
As I sit in the Chapel for Church, my brothers surrounding me with Alpha chatting away, my mind wanders back to Poppy’s party when Bea and I snuck up here and fucked on the very table that everyone is leaning their elbows on right now.
A slow smirk crosses my lips, my cock jerking with the flashback.