Page 97 of Suspicious

Wes scrunches his face in disgust, shoving Hayes’ hand from him. “You made your bed. Now you can rest in peace in it,” he states, then chuckles at his own joke and reaches for the chainsthat the four guys are attaching to the rear of their bikes.

“C’mon, Wes, w…we’re friends,” Hayes whispers.

Wes smirks, taking the first chain and begins wrapping the cuffed end around Hayes’ right wrist. “Friends don’t turn on each other, Hayes,” he states, then quickly straps on the left cuff.

The panic in Hayes’ eyes is clearly becoming apparent as Wes straps a cuff to Hayes’ left ankle. “It’s not too late… you can help me. We can get out of this together!”

Wes stops, looks down at Hayes, and shakes his head. “Youtarnishthe word prospect!” He growls, his voice laced with so much venom that even I’m shocked. But what he does next surprises me even more. His fingers move to the fly of his jeans, which he unzips and proceeds to pull out his cock. We all hold our breath, wondering what the fuck he’s doing, but then he starts pissing all over Hayes’ face.

My eyes widen as Hayes snaps his head from side to side, his eyes clenched, trying to avoid the steady stream of piss hitting directly on his face. His arms are tied into the shackles, so he can’t do anything but take it like a man.

I side-eye Alpha, his arms crossed over his chest, while he tries to fight back a smirk.

I guess they did do things differently at the Steel Serpents MC.

Peering back at the rest of our club, everyone’s fighting back a laugh, and I can’t help but notice Clover trying her hardest not to look at Wes’ cock. The fact she’s even here is questionable, to be honest, but she is a part of this club. She knows what we do, how things are done. If her brother, Maverick, wants her here for this, then that is up to him.

Wes lets out a loud, “Ah, that’s better,” he gives his cock a couple of shakes and then slides it back into his jeans without a second thought. He then kneels beside Hayes, who’s still keeping his eyes clenched tight and trying not to open his mouth forobvious reasons. Wes softly chuckles, reaching for the last cuff and straps in Hayes’ right ankle, then taps his heavily wounded leg. “Try not to fall to pieces at what comes next,” Wes mocks, then stands and inhales deeply, making his way to the back of the group, the eyes of us all watching him as he goes. However, he continues to say nothing.

Letting out a small chuckle, I find myself undeniably fucking proud of my only remaining prospect. He’s proving himself today. But there’s still a job to do, and as I step up to the pathetic excuse of a man covered in blood and piss on the dirt before me, I huff. “It didn’t need to be this way, Hayes.”

Through stuttered breaths, he slowly opens his eyes, shaking his head a little to try and remove any remaining moisture. He looks right at me. “Loki, please, I swear. I will do better. I will doanything.Justplease,stop this insanity.”

I can’t help the rolling belly laugh that escapes me.

Finally, he’s begging.

This is what I was after.

Folding my arms across my chest, the revving of the bikes sends a thrill through me like never before. Smiling wide, I simply raise my hand in the air and close my fist, sending the signal. Hayes’ eyes widen in unimaginable terror as the roar of four Harleys through the night air sends my skin prickling into goose bumps.

This guy betrayed me.

He betrayed Bea.

And he betrayed the club.

Now, he is going to find out why no one does exactly that.

The bikes take off, racing at high speed. The tension on the chains instantly pulls, making each one attached to a separate limb rattle and begin their strain. Hayes’ breathing increases, his head snapping from one wrist to the other, then down to his feet, the realization sinking in on what’s about to happen. “You can’tdo this! You have to stop! Loki,seriously.”

The chains continue to rattle as the bikes ride farther and farther out in opposing directions, the tension increasing, getting so close now, my adrenaline is in overload. The chains begin to lift, a smile crosses my face when his body is dramatically pulled up into the air.

“Loki, I’m sorr—” but his words are cut short as the strain from all four angles pulls his body apart in the most grotesque fashion. Blood splashes all over me as body parts fly after the thundering bikes. A mass of entrails and God knows what else slams down onto the dirt in front of me, and I take a huge step back, trying to dodge it from landing on my boots—nothing less than what the cunt deserves.

Letting out a long exhale, Wes steps up beside me, saying nothing, just handing me a cloth with a simple head bob. Taking the cloth from him, I wipe the blood from me, then wrap my arm around his shoulder. “You did good, kid.”

He tilts his head. “Went a little rogue there. My Serpent days came back to me. Won’t happen again. You can count on me, VP.”

Grinning, I elbow him in the ribs. “If there is one thing I know for sure, Wes, it’s that you are going to make one hell of a Defiance brother. You can have my six any damn time.”

A genuine smile lights his face, and he nods. “Thanks, brother. That means a lot.”

“But you know what I’m gonna say next, right?” I tease.

He grins, nodding his head. “Don’t worry, I got you. I’ll have this mess cleaned up in no time.” He takes off without hesitation and runs toward the clubhouse as Alpha matches my pace.

“You good?” he asks.