Page 94 of Suspicious

Hayes spins and tries to run for the exit, but Montana and Maverick reach him first, each grabbing an arm and holdingonto him tight while he kicks out and attempts to get away. “You can’t fucking do this! Alpha,do something!”Hayes spits.

Alpha chuckles, nodding his head. “Oh… we plan to.” He turns to face Bennett. “Thisisn’tover between us. Don’t get comfortable.”

Bennett shrugs, a cocky smile lighting his face as he takes another drag of his cigar. “I welcome an attempt at round two.”

Alpha spins, signaling for us to leave. Montana and Maverick take a kicking and screaming Hayes out with them. The other club members follow, but Bea and I remain. Bennett raises his brow as I wrap an arm around Bea’s side. Stepping closer to him, I grin. “You underestimate us…that’syourmistake.”

He snorts out a laugh, shifting his gaze to Bea. “I love the pictures on your phone, too, Bea. Some of them were quite…delightful.And the voice memos? Very interesting. I especially liked the one where you were talking about all the times you and Alex… know,and you got a little excited and started to take care of yourself. The sounds you made.So delicious!”

My head whips toward her, and I see her eyes welling with tears. In that moment, I know this bastard is telling the truth. I knew he’d hacked her cell and extracted everything. That’s why I took it and ran every damn program I could, scrubbing off every last bug he planted. But I didn’t check the files he’d stolen—just the ones from the app. That felt like the bigger threat at the time.

My nostrils flare as I step forward, not caring about the fucking cameras. “I’m going to fucking annihilate yo—”

“You know what? Slut-shaming a woman is a low act. Alex and I have been a part of each other’s lives for ourentire lives,and you trying to makemefeel humiliated over our sex life isnotgoing to work. If you have recordings of a woman expressing herself and her enjoyment for the man shelovesand people can’t see the beauty in that, then that’s onthem. And equally, any pictures you may or may not have were taken purely forAlex when we were younger. Because I know for certain I havenottaken any kind of pictures like that foranyone else. This brings me to my next point… those pictures are, in fact, of a minor. So,youdistributing them will only tarnishyourrecord…Governor.”She extends the last word out for emphasis.

Trying to fight back my smile, I bring up my free hand and flip him off. “As I said, asshole. You underestimate us…all of us.”

With a deep scowl crossing his face, he folds his arms across his chest, looking like the smug, arrogant ass-fucker he is. “Get thefuckout of my house.”

“With pleasure,” I grumble, spinning Bea with me. We head for the exit.

We have a long drive home, and we didn’t get the problem dealt with when it comes to the damn governor.

Plus, now we have fucking Hayes to deal with.

I’d say, all in all—this was a complete and utter fuckup.

I’m angry as hell.

Luckily, I have an ex-prospect I can take my fury out on when we get back to the clubhouse becauseno onedisrespects the Defiance name, let alone the club cut like that and gets away with it.

And Hayes is about to find that out the hard way.



Hours Later

As much as Bea wanted to be out here for this, she’s new to the club.

New to being an Old Lady.

I don’t want to scare her away.

I don’t want to overwhelm her.

Our new life together has only just started.

This could ruin any chance I have with her.

So she’s back in the clubhouse, watching Louis and Poppy, while the rest of us are out here on the helicopter field, ready to give Hayes the sendoff he deserves.

Needless to say, the cocky asshole has been uncharacteristically quiet since we left the governor’s mansion all those hours ago. I honestly think Hayes thought he had found a way out of the club and that Bennett was going to be his saving grace.

The thing is, people are loyal to those who show loyalty.

Hayes forgot that all while revealing his true colors and disrespecting ours.