Furrowing my brows, I smirk. “Forgive my confusion, but how will a recording helpyouin this case? You just admitted to everything?”
He smiles cockily. “There’s no audio recording, only visual attached to that camera. But Ihavebeen recording this entire conversation using my AI computer program. I now have all your voices on record. I can add and manipulate your voices to saywhateverI want them to for the audio of the recording…isn’t technology grand?”
Everyone looks at me as if to ask if it is possible for him to do that.
The problem is, yeah, hereallyfucking can.
But there’s still a flaw he didn’t count on.
“You have this AI software in your systems recording all this, recording this moment in time… you think that’s going to protect you from us right now… that’s your safeguard from us?”
Bennett grins. “I know it is.”
Shrugging, I bring my gun back up, aiming it straight at his head, but he doesn’t even bat an eyelid as I glare at him. “And if I was to pull my trigger right now? Put a bullet between your eyes, then do what I do best and hack into your systems, work with the AI program to manipulate this footage to make it look like you shot yourself. How doesthatsit with you, Governor?”
He chuckles, that same old smirk crossing his face. “I mean… in theory, it’s a good plan. You could try it. I know it would make you feel like a strong, capable man taking care of his woman. Doing therightthing, seeking vengeance, blah-fucking-blah… but let me cut to the chase, Loki. You mightthinkyou’re this tech guru who knows what he’s doing. But I have the power of the government behind me, and when I tell you that my systems haveall kindsof back-end encryption… I mean… well, let’s be honest… were you able to find me tracking the breach? Or did you have to send in a woman to a prison to doyourjob and find me through word of mouth?”
My nostrils flair, my chest rising and falling at the undeniable hatred I have toward this fucking asshole. My hands clench so tightly into fists I feel my knuckles turning white. Bea places her hand gently on my back to try to placate me, but it doesn’t help as he continues his rant.
“All this is to say, Loki, that if you shot me here, now, and then tried to access my software, all it would do is trigger the safety protocols that have been put in place. The footage that has been recording, albeit without audio, would be sent to every major news outlet within seconds, showing you shooting me in the head. And a biker assassinating a potential future vicepresident, well, we all know how that would go down for you and the club, now wouldn’t we? I’d be immortalized because files of me alerting LA Defiance of the de-legalization of my cannabis reform and giving you time to change your business plan will also be sent to the news. It’ssuch a shamethat you had a motive for my assassination attempt and that everyone in this room,includingyourpreciousBeatrice, will also be an accessory to my murder.” He sits back in his chair, his hands behind his head like he knows we have absolutely no fucking leg to stand on.
Exhaling, I clear my throat, my eyes meeting Alpha’s, clear hesitation in them.
He nods in understanding.
We have to leave and try to figure another way around this.
Wecan’tget anything from Bennett tonight.
We need to regroup and come up with another plan—a better plan. Because right now, he has far too much power, and we’re sitting under his hammer, waiting for the killer blow to take us all out.
Through gritted teeth, I growl out, “We leave now… what happens to Bea’s app?”
Bennett shrugs, a cocky smile on his face. “I won’t tell anyone where I got the information…if you don’t.”
Alpha scoffs. “But you’llstilluse it in your campaign moving forward?”
Bennett chuckles. “Fuck, yes. Of course I will! Why would I go to all this effort if I wasn’t going to fully commit to my cause?”
“And with an opinion like that, you’re just going toletus walk out of here? The criminals you’re trying to take out of California?” I ask.
Bennett grins, waggling his brows. “If I get you arrested now for trespassing, no one knows about it. No… when I take down LA Defiance, it’s going to be headline news. I thought I already gave you that impression. So, I let you leave,thenI take youdown in a bigger,bolderfashion later… it’s just good politics. All about those ratings and approval numbers, you get the picture.”
Rolling my eyes, I huff. “You really are a fucking asshole.”
Bennett snickers. “That might be true, but I’m also going to be the vice president, and then in another four years, I’ll be running for president… let that marinate in your little home-baked goods before I completely destroy them… and yourfilthy club.”
Hayes grins like the fucking Cheshire cat, and I leer at him, my chest puffing out in my temper. I point at the fucking traitor, then turn my head back to Bennett. “You think this asshole has your back. He’ll turn on you too. But it’s nothing less than you deserve,Governor.”
Hayes scowls at me, calling him out, but Bennett widens his eyes, glancing at Hayes and letting out a small laugh. “Who? Hayes? Fuck no! He’snotstaying with me—”
“What?”Hayes snaps, his eyes wide with fear as he stares at the governor.
Bennett signals to Maverick and Montana to step over. They both glance at Alpha, and he nods as Bennett stands, straightening out his suit again. “The thing is, Hayes, you gave me the information I needed, and I amverythankful for that. But you also showed me your true colors. That you aremorethan willing to turn sides on a dime. Ican’thave people like that on my team—”
“You said you would protect me!” Hayes’ eyes widen so extensively, it’s like they’re going to explode from his face as he starts backing away from Montana and Maverick.
Bennett laughs mockingly. “I lied…” He turns to face Alpha and me. “Think of this as my gift to you in compensation for how I am about to ruin your lives. You can take out your anger and frustration on this imbecile. You’re welcome!”he mocks.