Page 88 of Suspicious

Use intimidation tactics.

See if we can get the information we need from him.

However, getting a meeting with the governor of California is no easy task, leaving us with the only option we have. Taking as many men as we can, and we’re going to barge our way into his residence at the California governor’s mansion.

With Hayes back at the club after being MIA twenty-four hours, I’m keeping a solid eye on the idiot. He said exactly what I thought. He broke down, his phone died, and he spent the night on the side of the road until someone helped him out. The stupid kid needs to maintain his bike, though I have to admit the whole thing seems suspicious. But that’s beside the point because, as a punishment today, he is our driver, escorting us to see the governor.

And it’s a long fucking drive.

From our clubhouse to the governor’s mansion, it’s over five hours to Sacramento. So, Hayes is the unlucky bastard who has to drive us there and back. But them’s the breaks when you’re a prospect, and you fuck up.

Bea’s fingers lace with mine while sitting in the back of the truck, and I feel them trembling against me. Turning to face her, I smile thinly. “We’ll figure this out with this douchebag.”

She lets out a long puff of air, shaking her head. “I still can’t understand why he would do this. It makes no sense to me.”

Rip puffs out a long line of smoke from his joint and snickers. “Asshole’s a politician, Betty. Dude thrives on causing chaos. He’s totally about making gnarly waves and then hanging back while he watches everyone else ride them.”

Ink shakes his head, reaches out for Rip’s joint, pulls it from his lips, throws it to the bed of the van, and stomps on it. “Think you’ve had enough of the wacky-tobaccy for today, brother.”

The rest of us chuckle while Rip scowls. “Damn, that was my last joint. I’m gonna need a restock. Hey, Pres, can I take a zip from our stocks when we get back? You know I’m good for it!” Rip chimes, smiling wide at Alpha.

He groans. “Honestly, I’m surprised you’re even fucking asking me. Normally, you just take it. Chuck your cash Sadie’s way.”

“Right on! Autumn says I should be more in touch with my feelings and shit, and I was really feeling like I needed a zip, so I thought I would like… you know… convey that to you. Or… whatever.”

Bea reaches out, taking his hand in hers. “Rip, honey. I don’t think that’s what Autumn means by that.”

He jerks his head back in confusion. “What the fuck else would she mean?”

Maverick slaps Rip on the back with a chuckle. “Oh, brother… you haveso muchto learn about women.”

Montana smirks, nodding his head. “And with Autumn being Rhyan’s best friend, I can tell you now, Rip, that girl is gonna walkallover you.”

Rip glances at Bea, then to Haven beside her, and they bothshrug, but it is Haven who speaks first. “Autumn hasn’t been around the club a lot, but from what I have seen of her, she has balls, just like the other women in the club. If she is telling you that you need to get in touch with your feelings, Rip, it means she needs more from you than just,‘You look fucking killer, babe,’ and ‘Hey, let’s go down and catch another gnarly wave, bro.’” Haven mimics the way Rip talks at the end, which makes us all chuckle.

Rip furrows his brows. “Dude! I donotsound like that.”

We all jerk our heads back at him with a smirk, no one saying anything in reply to him.

His brows slowly furrow as he huffs. “I fucking sound like that?” He says it more like a question this time.

Slowly, we all begin to nod, and his shoulders slump. “Damn. Okay… I can open up more. Sure, why the hell not? How hard could it be?”

Haven grips his shoulder in support. “That’s the spirit.”

Bea giggles. “Autumn will adore you for it.”

Rip grumbles under his breath, “The shit we do for skirts, hey?”

All the guys in the back of the van slowly nod their heads, a slow mumble of acknowledgment murmurs around the van as Bea and Haven both fold their arms over their chests.

“Hey!” Bea snaps.

But Haven pulls out a gun. “You want me to shoot all you motherfuckers?”

Alpha reaches out for Haven’s gun, edging it toward the bottom of the van. “Calm your ass down, Little Lamb. We’re all just agreeing that we’d light the fucking world on fire for our old ladies.”

My eyes shift to Bea, and she smiles at me. “You got that fucking right,” I state.