Page 6 of Suspicious

We were going through so much back then.

So much pain.

So much heartache.

We were only kids.

How were we meant to cope with it all?

But before I can say anything—try to start to mend what’s massively broken between us—Navy steps up beside the table with my breakfast plate in her hand. Loki spots her and instantly steps back from me, breaking any connection we have just made.

Navy hints at a smile while placing my food on the table in front of me. “I hope you enjoy your breakfast, Bea. Let me know if you need anything else while you’re here.”

Sniffling back to fight my overwhelming emotion, I nod and fake a smile. “Thank you. I really appreciate you looking after me like this.”

“It’s what I’m here for.” She grins, then walks off with a pep in her step back toward the kitchen.

Loki takes another step away from me—it feels like a gaping chasm—but he gestures for me to sit. “You should eat. You need to build your strength up.”

“Will you sit with me? Wereallyneed to talk about the app, and what are we going to do about the data breach?” I ask.

“Only if you eat. Last thing I need is you passing out again.”

A slight smirk crosses my face. “Why… were you worried about little old me?”

He groans, pointing to my chair. “Sit, Bea. Eat,” he demands, then walks around the table to take his seat opposite me.

Grinning, I slide back into my seat, then pick up a slice of crispy bacon and crunch down on it excessively to enhance the fact I’m eating. “You know, you’re really bossy and grumpy. Maybe you need to go out on the town and have too many shots of tequila. Lighten up a little?”

He glares at me, clearly not seeing the funny side of my joke. “Maybe if I didn’t have to worry about fixing data breaches and picking up intoxicated old friends, I would be able to…lighten up a little.”

Crunching on my absolutely delicious bacon, I tilt my head. “Touché! But still, I get a feeling you’realwaysthis grouchy.”

His nostrils flare, and he puffs out his chest. “Well, maybe everything that was good in my life left thirteen years ago.” He stands abruptly, his chair scraping on the floor while my heart thumps like a jackhammer in my chest.

My breathing stops as he runs his fingers through his hair and walks past me, but I reach out, grabbing his hand to stop him. “Alex!”

He spins back, his eyes dark again, full of rage and despair. “I told you, Bea.It’s Loki!”he snaps, then yanks his hand free from mine.

“Brothers… Church. Now!” one of the other bikers calls out, and in perfect synchronization, all the brothers in the room stand and begin walking to the room upstairs above the machinery.

Panic swarms my body as my eyes meet with Loki’s, begging him to stay so we can talk about this, but he shakes his head. “I have to go.” He spins, turning to walk with the others toward the stairs as my heart feels like it’s going to explode.

My mind… a whirlwind of emotions.

Seeing him again after all these years, feeling this way—it’s completely overwhelming.

But beneath it all, I still see that spark in his eyes. Even behind the darkness threatening to take over him, there’s a glimmer of hope.

Maybe, just maybe, this is the start of something new.

Or the rekindling of something we thought we’d lost forever.

All I know is… Alex might be gone, and Loki is in his place, butdeep down, they’re still the same person. Loki is merely a front, a mask, a shield he’s putting on to try to protect himself.

His world changed irrevocably thirteen years ago.

No one should have to endure what he went through.