Page 22 of Suspicious

“You’re always on top of your game. Always hyper-focused. But ever since Bea showed up, you’re zoning out midconversation. You have no clue what’s going on half the time. Bro, you’re all over the fucking place.” Swallowing hard, I go to defend myself, but he continues, “I’ve let it slide because I know how much having an ex around can fuck with your head, but take it from me, Loki, I just settled my shit with Livvy, and it feels so fucking liberating. Whatever baggage you have with Bea, you guys need to deal with it. Because at the moment, with your head messed up, you’re no good to any of us.”

Scrubbing at my face with my hands, I let out a heavy sigh. “Fuck! I hear you. I swear, Pres, I’m gonna be more present. I’ll go deal with Bea now. Figure out the shit with her app and get her out of the clubhouse. Once she’s gone and I won’t have to see her, I’ll be fine.”

Alpha raises his brow at me questionably. “The thing I wonder, though, Loki… why are you so messed up over her in the first place? If she means nothing to you, and you want her gone, then maybe you wouldn’t be struggling so much to keep focused.”

Huffing, I drop eye contact because I know he’s right, and I honestly can’t look him in the eyes and deny it.

I want Bea here.

More than anything.

I want to walk into my bedroom every night and see her nakedin bed, waiting for me.

I want to walk out into the clubroom to see her wearing my property patch.

I want to be able to call her my Old Lady.

I have wanted all these things for years.

I’ve dreamed of it.

Desired it.

Pleaded with any god out there who would listen for it to come true.

But I know it won’t.

It can’t.

We’re just not destined like that.

“Maybe you’re right, Alpha… maybe I do want her here. Maybe I always have, but there’s too much trauma between us. Too much history.”

Alpha exhales, rolling his shoulders. “In that case, she came here asking for help with her app. Maybe the best thing you can do now is go and do just that. Get it done, rip it off like a Band-Aid. Then let the wound heal when she’s gone.”

Groaning, I run my fingers through my hair, messing up my damn manbun. “Okay, I’ll help fix her app, get her the hell out of here, and then tonight, we celebrate our win and me getting Bea out of my life… for good.”

Alpha chuckles. “Sounds like a plan to me.”

My stomach swirls in uncertainty as I stand. But I know the only way I’m going to be able to be the kind of VP I need to be for this club is to get Bea the hell away from me. “Guess I’m gonna go find her and get this done.”

Alpha tilts his head. “Just so you know, now all the options are placed on the table if, for some reason, you decide that Bea should stick around… I’m on board with that too.”

Huffing out my frustration, I storm toward the exit. “Not. Helping. Pres.”

He doesn’t even bother to hold back his laughter as I begin down the stairs, my feet pounding each step, trying to stomp out my frustration.

We’ve had a hell of a day.

I don’t need any more chaos to add to it.

I want to deal with Bea, get her the fuck out of here, and then drink the night away until I pass the hell out.

As I step into the clubroom, I glance around, searching for Bea and spot her with Clover and Wes. I take a deep breath and walk over to them, overhearing Clover as she questions Wes about club life, while jotting down notes in her notebook. My brows knit together as I reach them, and I stand beside Bea without a word, just listening.

“So, transitioning from the Steel Serpents to Defiance was easy for you?” Clover asks.

Wes glances up at me, now appearing less relaxed to answer questions, seeing me here, so I signal for him to answer her.