She throws her hands to the side. “What do you expect? He told me I should be in the kitchen making a sandwich, so I made one with his ears as the bread and his tongue as the filling. Then made him eat it.”
Alpha simply nods his head like he isn’t surprised at all. “Of course you did. Youreallyscare me sometimes, baby.”
She laughs. “I know. That’s why you love me.”
He groans. “With every ounce of my being. But you’re fucking crazy.”
Haven grins widely. “Thank you. That’s the nicest thing you’ve said to me.”
I glance down at Bea, seeing her grimacing from the memory, and I can’t help but be pissed off that Haven did all of this in front of Bea. Pulling Bea to me to comfort her, I turn to face Haven. “The fuck were you thinking exposing Bea to something as violent as that? She’s so fucking new to the club, Haven. I onlyjustgot her back. I don’t want her scared off because you can’t control your fucking blood lust!”
Haven’s smile falters, and she goes to speak, but Bea beats her to it. “Stop! First, you have nothing to worry about when it comes to me leaving you again. That’s justnotgoing to happen. I’m your Old Lady. I’m in this, Loki. And second, yeah, it got a little fucking crazy in there. Okay, so I shot a guy and killed him. And then watched Haven hack a guy’s face apart and make him choke on it. Should I be freaked out by that? Yeah. But after seeing the shit that was on the governor’s flash drive, the men that we killed were there supporting him. Theyclearlyknew what he was doing. They didn’t deserve to be alive either. I don’t know… maybe being at the club and around all of you is changing me. I’m not sure if it’s a good or a bad thing, but what I do know is that you can’t keep trying to protect me. Youhaveto let me be a part of this club, Loki.All-in,baby.”
My eyes shift to Alpha, and he tilts his head with a grin. Inhaling deeply, I cuddle into Bea further, planting a tender kiss on the top of her head. “All-in, baby.”
The faint sound of sirens blares in the distance, and we all glance up. Alpha signals to the others. “We gotta go. The security feeds all taken care of?” he asks me.
Nodding, I smirk. “Yeah, they went down thirty minutes before we arrived and are still down.”
Alpha grins. “Excellent. Let’s roll back to the clubhouse to celebrate.”
Wrapping my arm around Bea, I walk with her back to the van, where we all pile in and head back to the clubhouse.
It’s a long drive back home, and when we arrive, the rest of the club is waiting for us. We jump out, everyone eager to hear if the mission was a success, and we make our way toward them.
Alpha throws his hands to the side with a grin. “We did it,” he simply states.
A loud round of cheering echoes around the parking lot as everyone throws their hands in the air in celebration, grabbing each other and embracing. It’s not every day you take on someone as important as the governor of California and can come home with the win.
Clover jumps up and down, trying to gain all our attention. “Hey, hey, listen up. It’s breaking all over social media. We have to go inside and turn on the news,” she calls out.
Bea glances at me, and I tilt my head at her. “Let’s go see if your hard work paid off, Sparkle.”
She grins, and we make our way inside. Navy already has thetelevision on as we gather around it to view the headline news reporting on the governor of California being arrested.
Pictures of him being dragged out of his office in handcuffs and resisting arrest make all of us break out into laughter.
“You’re going to have a great time in prison, Governor. We’ll make sure of that,” Alpha calls out, making everyone laugh.
I reach out, grab Bea, and lift her, twirling her in a circle. She giggles as she cuddles into me. “We did it! Your app is secure. The client information is safe, and I can tell you now that Theo and I are going to work on the backend, so there is absolutely no way in hell anyone is going to be able to hack into it ever again.” I slide her down my body as her eyes stare into mine.
“I can’t believe we did it… we actually pulled this off.”
“We did, and mainly because ofyou.”
She smirks, shaking her head. “I had a lot of help… from my new family.”
I glance around the clubhouse at everyone continuing to celebrate our win. “I was always your family, Bea.”
She inhales deeply, her hand coming up to caress my face. “I know that now. I am so, so sorry for the years we were apart. It seems incredibly pointless to me now.”
Holding her closer to me, I flash a fleeting smile. “Everything happens for a reason, right? Your app teaches us that.”
Her eyes widen as she scoffs. “You mean to tell me you actually take classes from the app?”
Rolling my eyes, I can’t fight back my smile. “Shut up! They help with my anxiety.”
Her smile widens so vastly that she looks like she’s about to burst with happiness. Bea lunges forward, her lips slamming to mine, kissing me with so much passion that I’m worried she might start ripping my clothes off right here in front of everyone.