Haven nods slowly, stepping toward Samael. “I mean, you’re probably right. You have me so figured out. I’m such a fraud… let me make you that sandwich now.”
Samael furrows his brows in confusion as I stand back, leaning against the wall for the show as the other three guards rush over, but without hesitation, she brings up her gun at lightning speed, shooting each of them, one by one in the head, leaving only Samael. His eyes widen like he wasn’t expecting that.
Haven lets out a girlish giggle. “Sorry about that. I can’t have them interrupting our time together,lover.Now, where was I? Oh, that’s right, making you a sandwich. Now, take a seat,” she demands, kicking him in his torso and making him fall back onto an oversized sitting chair in the foyer.
Gasping for air from having his breath completely knocked out of him, he holds onto his probably broken ribs. His eyes widen and I grimace knowing whatever is about to happen is not going to be fun for poor Samael.
But the dickhead did bring this on himself.
Haven stands over the top of him, blocking any escape as she leans down, looking into his eyes. “So… what do we need for the quintessential sandwich, Sammy boy? Bread, right? How about we start with two lovely slices of bread? You onboard?” She grins so wide like she’s the happiest she could ever be.
She really is quite the freak of nature.
Samael frowns at her. “Fuck. You.”
Haven smiles, bouncing her shoulders in excitement. “That’s the spirit! Here we go.” She leans down, pulling a blade from her boot, and instantly, I know this is about to get bloody. Curling up my lip, I squint, debating whether I should watch or not. But I don’t have time to figure it out before she starts hacking into his left ear.
Samael screams out in agony as Haven chuckles over his pain.“Nothing like a good source of daily carbs, am I right?”
I snort out a laugh even though my stomach is churning right now, seeing the blood pouring down Samael’s face. She detaches his ear, dropping it down on his thigh for good measure. “There we go. One piece of bread… but a sandwich always hastwopieces of bread, and I wouldn’t be a very good woman if I didn’t make you the right kind of sandwich with the proper amount of bread. So, I better make sure I have two slices for you. I wouldn’t want you to be unsatisfied with me after all.”
Samael screams, panting, spluttering and tries to push Haven off him. But she is too strong for him, continuing to straddle his knees.
“Uh, uh, uh. I’m not done being yourever-dutifulhousemaid. Here comes the next slice of bread,” she chimes happily, then begins to hack into his other ear.
I grimace while Samael screams, his hands bashing into her back, but she doesn’t stop. Blood spills over her clothes as she flops the other ear onto his other thigh. “And there we have it, Sammy boy. Our bread, now all we need is some filling. Do you have any preferences?” she asks.
Cringing, my stomach rolls again, wondering where she is going with this, but Samael doesn’t make it easy on himself. “Fuck you, whore. You’renothing.You’re never going to beat me. I’m still going to kill you, you worthless, pathetic slut! No wonder you whore yourself out to bikers. They’re the only ones who have the same diseases you do.”
Widening my eyes, I inhale deeply as Haven tilts her head. “Wow, for an angel, Samael, you sure do have a wicked tongue, and your disrespect toward women is starting to piss me off. I think I should do something about that. Time to fill our sandwich,don’t you think?”
Samael scowls at her, narrowing his eyes. “Fuck. You.Whore.”
“See, there you go again, just proving my point. Okay, here we go. One wicked tongue sandwich, coming right up.”
I smirk as Samael jerks his head back. “What?” he snaps, rocking his head from side to side, trying to stop her. But she draws her hand back, slamming her fist straight into his nose. His eyes roll around in his head as he tries to focus on gaining his equilibrium, giving Haven the time she needs to wrench his jaw open. He tries to fight her, but she is too strong, especially in his weakened state. She slides the blade into his mouth and cuts.
His screams are muffled by the blood bubbling in his throat. The sound is something I don’t think I have ever heard before nor wish to hear again. She continues to cut out his tongue, then finally pulls it clear with a bright smile.
Haven reaches for an ear, slams the tongue on top, and then completes the sandwich with the other ear, standing back with her creation and a pep in her step as Samael struggles to stay awake. “Look, Sammy, I made you your sandwich. Isn’t it perfect?”
Shaking my head, I let out a long breath, trying to keep the contents of my stomach where they should be.
She really is fucking crazy.
But in the best possible way.
He tries to talk, but he obviously can’t without his tongue, his pain clear to see as his eyes meet with Haven’s while she bends down to meet him.
“Now, I went to all this trouble to make you your sandwich, just like you asked meso nicelyto do. The least you could do is try it for me?”
I jerk my head back, shaking my head. “Dude!” I call out.
She turns to face me with a shrug. “He pushed my limits. He said all bikers have STDs. He’s talking about Loki, Bea. You wanna let that slide?”
Folding my arms across my chest, I huff. “Fuck, fine! Do yourthing, but hurry up. I wanna get out of here.”
Haven grins wide, then turns back to Samael, her ‘sandwich’ in her hand. “Open up for me, Sammy,” she chimes.