It’s not just about me and my app anymore.
This has become so much more.
What Loki found—I know I only have one shot at this, one chance to make this right.
Because if I fail, Bennett will come out swinging.
The elevator stops with a start, the jolt making my stomach feel like it is falling out of my body. An instant nausea rolls through me.
Haven side-eyes me, her hand reaching out, giving me a supportive squeeze.
It’s exactly what I need.
Inhaling deeply as the doors open, Gabriel steps out to a waiting monster of a man, who I can only assume is the one they call Samael. Swallowing hard, I follow their lead down the hall into a large, pompous office. An overstated desk sits at the back of the room—huge, wooden, ornate—like it has been here for centuries. Atop it are two massive computer screens that almost feel out of place in this old-worldly feeling room.
Behind the desk, the entire wall is a bookcase filled to the brim with leatherbound books that seem important. A spinning globe sits to the right of the desk, one of those old-fashioned types, like you would see in old movies about Leonardo Davinci, Thomas Edison, or someone equally as inventive.
In front of his desk is a huge space with two sofas facing each other, obviously for a more casual meeting approach.
I have to admit, he has set up his office to appearpresidential.
And it makes me sick to my stomach.
Haven and I are led up to his desk, but Bennett isn’t anywhere to be seen. I spin around as we reach the desk, Haven and I both furrowing our brows wondering what’s going on when Gabriel and Samael both turn and head for the exit.
Haven snorts out a laugh. “What? No goodbye quips? No trying to tackle me or make sure I behave myself by giving me a warning shot to the leg?”
I thought it would be Gabriel to react, but this time it is Samael.
He spins, smirks, and shrugs. “There’s still time. We will see how your meeting with the governor goes. Any luck, I’ll be ableto carry you out of here in a body bag.”
My eyes widen, but Haven doesn’t even flinch. She simply smirks. “Oh, now you’re just flirting with me. You gonna choke me first? You know I like it rough. Maybe a little gunplay? I have this thing I do with knives, too… you’re not scared of blood, are you? It’s agreatlubricant.” She waggles her brows, and Gabriel shakes his head, walking out of the room. Samael stares at her like he’s trying to figure out if she is messing with him.
The problem is, knowing Haven, shereallyisn’t.
Samael lets out a low growl, flaring his nostrils. “I’mgoingto kill you.”
Haven grins like those words are precisely what she wants to hear. “Well then, baby, I can’twaitto play. But let’s rumble after this meeting, okay? Let the grown-ups talk first.”
A door on the left opens, making the three of us snap our heads to Bennett, who’s walking into the room and wiping his hands on a white towel. I have no freaking clue what he was doing in there, but I also don’t want to know either. “Ah, I see my guests have arrived. I trust you took good care of them, Samael?” he asks.
Haven snorts out a laugh, turning. She slides her ass up onto his desk, knocking some of his paperwork to the floor. “Me and Samael were getting well acquainted, weren’t we, lover?”
Bennett curls his lip, craning his neck to the side as he steps up to his desk, grabs the fallen pieces of paper, and places them back on the desk into a neat pile, clearly annoyed she dropped them.
Can anyone say OCD?
“Does he want to kill you?” Bennett asks, point blank.
Haven smirks with a shrug. “Yeah,” she replies nonchalantly.
Bennett exhales, moving to the rear of his desk, and takes a seat. “I couldn’tpossiblyimagine why,” he jests. “Leave us now, Samael. I’ll call you if I need you.”
Samael furrows his brows like he’s furious. “Sir?”
“Now!” Bennett yells, waving his hand through the air at him.
Samael huffs, glares once more at Haven, then steps through the door, closing it behind him, leaving the three of us alone. Relaxing my shoulders finally, Haven jumps down from the desk and grins, giving the pile of papers a little push, making them untidy again. I’m inclined to smirk, watching Bennet squirm, clearly uncomfortable, while Haven moves to stand beside me, giving me the support I so desperately need.