Page 10 of Suspicious

You even attempt to hurt one of our brothers, wewillmake you suffer.

And that’s what we’re doing to Atlas now.

Showing him what Defiance is made of.

Exactly who he messed with.

Atlas stumbles through the mud. Haven, Alpha’s Old Lady, must have made the sty extra muddy this morning because, from what I can remember, it’s normally not this bad. Wes thrusts Atlas forward, his eyes focusing on the mass of bikers looking at him. Montana stands front and center, and Atlas smirks, even though I can tell he’s tired. Maybe it’s more like weak.

“You think keeping me malnourished and then bringing me here to some fucking barnyard is going to break me, Noah?” Atlas spits at Montana’s feet.

Wes punches Atlas in the ribs, causing him to hunch over while letting out a heavy breath.

Montana chuckles. “First of all, youwillcall me Montana, not Noah. And secondly, Idothink we are going to break you.”

A slow grin forms on Atlas’ face, and he shrugs. “Why should I doanythingyou tell me to do?”

Montana laughs, the sound almost maniacal as he reaches for the cattle prod on the nearest wall, pressing the button to charge the electrical current. Altas’ eyes widen as the rest of us smirk.

“Because, if you don’t, things are going to get very,verypainful for you,” Montana states matter- of-fact.

Atlas stands taller, not budging in his bravado. “I’ve beenthrough pain you can’t possibly imagine. Whatever it is you want me to do,Noah,I’m not gonna do it!”

Montana glances at Alpha, seeking approval. Alpha nods, and Montana unlatches the gate in front of him, walking into the pigsty along with Atlas and Wes. South quickly latches the gate again to keep the pigs in their enclosure as they snort and mess about around the three men. Montana slowly steps up to Atlas, his eyes following Montana’s movements eagerly. “You think you look threatening, Noah? You just look like you’re trying to show off to your boyfriends here.”

Montana doesn’t hesitate, drawing his fist back and slamming it into Atlas’ nose. Blood spurts out as he drops to one knee. “Fuck! You broke my nose, you asshole.”

We all chuckle as Montana shrugs, lifting the cattle prod into his line of sight, pressing the button once more, the electrical current flowing effortlessly. “You think I’m trying to show off? In that case, let’s give them a show. Get on your knees,”Montana states, a smirk on his face as Atlas widens his eyes like he’s confused by what’s happening.

Wes shoves Atlas’ shoulders, trying to force him down onto both knees, but he struggles against him. So, Montana brings the cattle prod up and slams it right near Atlas’ balls, letting the charge fire off. Atlas screams, instantly dropping to both knees in front of him. His nostrils flare as he breathes harshly, trying to recover from the electrical shock.

Montana slides the cattle prod under Atlas’ chin, forcing him to look up, his eyes wide as he pants for breath. I have to admit, seeing Montana take control like this is thrilling after training him up from being a prospect.

He really has come into his own.

Montana shakes his head, narrowing his eyes on his archnemesis. “You make sneers and taunt my club,my brotherhood. Now, it’s time you behave like the joke you are. Geton all fours and pretend to be a pig,” Montana demands.

Atlas glances up and glares at him. “The fuck are you talking about?”

Montana kicks Atlas in his ass, making his hands fall into the mud so he is on all fours. “I’m talking about the noises, the rolling in the mud. You have four muses here in the pigsty with you. Just watch them and take their lead.”

Atlas fixes a look at Montana with such fierce intent that I see hatred in his eyes. “You’re trying to humiliate me, you fucking cunt!”

Montana chuckles, rolling his shoulders. “You messed with Defiance. You messed with me and the people I love… Now. Be. A. Motherfucking. Pig.” He surges the cattle prod toward Atlas again, threatening to zap him with it once more, but Atlas tenses and starts crawling reluctantly through the mud.

The rest of us glance around at each other, all smirking as Atlas slowly crawls like a damn pig. Montana follows behind, the other pigs curious as to what’s going on in their enclosure.

“I don’t hear any noises,” Montana orders.

Atlas groans and softly starts oinking. You can’t wipe the smile from Montana’s face. Quietly, I pull my cell from my pocket and begin recording.

So he has a memory of this moment.

The moment when he truly stepped into his 1% patch.

Nacho is the most curious of the pigs, and she wanders over to Atlas, bumping into his side as he crawls around the enclosure. He wobbles and falls face-first into the mud, which covers his clothing, drenching him in the brown mess.

Montana steps up to him, pressing his boot into Atlas’ back. “Pigs love the mud, don’t they, Atlas?”