Ronan shakes his head. “Claire.” My name is a pained whisper, and I can tell just how scared he’d been for me.
“I’m okay,” I whisper.
My poor big brother has been through more than most. Lost more than most people should. I know part of him is thinking of how bad it could have been. Remembering that frantic phone call from Finn after our parents’ car accident all those years ago. Tonight, he’d had to watch the paramedics pull me out of that car without knowing if I would be okay. I reach over and put my hand on his, giving it a squeeze.
“I’m okay,” I say again, stronger this time. “Promise.”
He nods and smiles. It’s a tiny smile, but it’s there.
“Haven’t seen one of those in a while,” I say.
At his confused look, I explain. “The smile,” I say. “It’s good to see.”
He looks uncomfortable. “I know I’ve changed,” he says. “I’m sorry. I try to—”
I shake my head. “Don’t apologize. You’ve been so strong all these years. I’m just happy to see you so happy. I don’t think I’ve said it before. But I love how Quinn seems to have brought you back to life. After you came home, I wasn’t sure you’d ever go back to the brother I knew before.”
He nods and another smile curves his lips. “You’re right. I wasn’t really living before I met Quinn. I was just surviving. Then she came along and made it impossible to ignore her. Then, I didn’t want to.”
I smile. “I’m glad she found you.”
“Me too.”
The door opens behind Ronan, and I see Quinn’s head peek in. She shoots me a smile and darts inside. I watch the way my brother’s eyes light up as soon as he sees her. I wonder if I look at Garrett like that.
“Are you okay?” Quinn asks.
I’m about to open my mouth to say something about the visitor policy when Hannah comes into the room. Wyatt and Hope are right behind her, tiptoeing dramatically like cartoon characters. I laugh at their antics. Van, Finn and Garrett are right behind them. Soon, the room is packed full of people I love. My smile stretches wide across my face.
“You guys are going to get kicked out,” I say, but I’m still grinning.
Wyatt shrugs. “Wouldn’t be the first time I’ve gotten kicked out of a public place.”
Van gives him a shove. “First time it’s not a bar, though.”
Wyatt looks thoughtful. “You might be right.”
Hope rolls her eyes. “Ignore them. How are you?”
“We had to see for ourselves that you were okay,” Hannah says. “We were worried.”
I look over the faces of each person, grateful to have so many people who love me. My gaze lands on Garrett. He was one of the last inside and he’s standing back near the door, eyes locked on mine. My heart is so full of love, I think it might burst.
“Believe it or not,” I say, “I’ve never been better.”
Chapter Thirty-two
I park the rental car in my usual spot in front of my apartment. I’ve only got the thing for another few days before the insurance company stops paying for it and I’ve got to foot the bill. It’s a nice car, but I know I can’t afford the rental fee for too long. My own car was totaled in the accident. It’s been 10 days and I’ve only just gotten the all-clear to start driving again.
I smile when I remember Garrett’s reaction to that news. He’s been extremely over-protective since the accident, worrying over me like a mother hen. It’s sweet, even if it is a little irritating. I’d drawn the line this morning when I’d insisted on driving myself to my first day of work at the school. He’d eventually relented, but I could tell he didn’t like it. He’d made me promise to let him know when I’d made it to the school which is a whole 7 miles from my apartment. I’d agreed in part because I was worried he’d just follow me there if I didn’t.
My brothers haven’t been much better. They call and text me nonstop throughout the day, making up ridiculous reasons each time, but I know it’s just to check on me. I finally sent out a group text to all four of them explaining that I love them for caring, but that they’re also smothering me. I know they mean well, and I love that they care so much. I just wish they’d trust me when I tell them I really am okay. I guess it’s going to take time for them to really accept that I’m not going to fall apart because of a little fender bender.
I make my way upstairs to my apartment and pull out my keys. Before I can unlock the door, it swings open and Garrett stands there, smiling. He takes my purse from me and kisses my cheek.
“Hello, gorgeous,” he says. “How was your day?”