Page 42 of Taking a King

“Sorry, basic bitch,” I say. “You’re outvoted.”

Hannah glares at me. “I hate you.”

I just smile sweetly. “No, you don’t. You love me.”

She sighs. “Fine. Where are we going next?”

“It’s a surprise,” Quinn says, pouring champagne into glasses and handing them out. She pours sparkling water into a glass for herself then raises it in a toast.

“To Hannah,” she says. “The first of us to tie the knot. Again.”

“Bitch,” Hannah says, laughing. “That first one doesn’t count.”

“True,” Quinn says. “Sorry I brought it up. Forget I mentioned him at all. I say we Voldemort him.”

Hope looks confused. “What does that mean?”

“It means we dare not speak his name!” I say. “He’s dead to us.” When Hope gives me a confused look, I shrug. “I happen to like Harry Potter.”

Mya shrugs. “I’m in. As long we can add shithead Zach to that list.”

“Agreed,” I say. “He is also dead to us.”

“Cheers,” Quinn says, tapping her glass to Hannah’s.

By the time the bus reaches its destination, we’ve finished 2 bottles of champagne and I’m feeling a little buzzed. I grab a bottle of water from the mini fridge and down half of it before climbing out of the bus. When we’re all standing outside, Hannah glances around, confused.

“Where are we?”

Quinn smiles and I have to work hard to school my features.

“You’ll see,” she says, twining her arm through Hannah’s. “Let’s go.”

She leads the way and the rest of us follow behind her. Even knowing what we’re about to do, I’m still a little nervous. I’m sure Hannah will be a good sport, but I can’t help feeling a little self-conscious about it. As soon as we enter the building, it becomes obvious what this place is. The only thing in the room is a small, raised stage with a metal pole in the center leading up to the ceiling. Several chairs are placed around the stage for people to watch the action. Hannah’s mouth drops open.

“A strip club? I thought I said no stripper.”

“Not exactly,” Quinn says. “It’s more of a dance studio.”

Before she can explain further, a scantily clad woman enters from a door on the opposite of the room.

“Ladies,” she says. “Welcome to your first pole dancing lesson.”

Chapter Twenty-one


After the ladies leave, it’s not long before we do as well. We all pile into a massive van with lights in the ceiling and a mini bar in the back. My surprise must show when I look at Ronan because he points at Wyatt who’s already started bartending in the back of the van.

“His idea.”

I nod. “At least there’s a designated driver.”

“I figured we’d need one,” Ronan says.

We get on the road, and I text my contact for the details about the speakeasy. Van hands me a beer and we all drink a toast to Finn. It feels a little strange hanging out with this group of guys. I haven’t been friends with anyone who isn’t military since I was in high school. I find myself listening more than talking. I don’t know what I’d talk about anyway. I don’t know how much I have in common with them. They’re all nice guys, but I still feel awkward. Ronan is the only one here who knows anything about the military and what that life is like. But he’s been out of that life for so long that I don’t think even he’d have much to say on the topic.

My phone buzzes with an incoming text and I check the screen. “Got an address,” I tell Ronan. I show him the screen and he walks up to the front to talk to the driver.