Page 4 of Taking a King

“That’s not what happened. If you’ll just listen to me?” I try again to reason with him.

“How long as this been going on?” Ronan demands.

“It’s not that simple,” I say.

“A while, then?”

I sigh heavily. “That’s not what I’m saying. Just let me explain.”

“I’m not sure what explanation you can give for this,” Ronan says.

Wyatt and Van have been quiet and I turn to them for help. Wyatt looks sheepish, but he can’t quite meet my gaze. Van looks more sympathetic, but he isn’t saying anything.

“Van, you’re reasonable,” I say. “Tell him to calm down and listen to me.”

Van sighs. He looks conflicted, but after a moment, he turns to Ronan. “Give her a chance to explain.”

Ronan turns an irritated glare on Van but gives me a terse nod. “You have one minute.”

I turn to face Ronan, swiping a piece of wet hair out of my face. All at once, I remember the crowded dining room full of staring faces.

“Can we all go out on the porch?”

“That’s an excellent idea,” Van says. “Let’s all go outside.”

Ronan still looks annoyed, but he follows Van and Wyatt toward the exit. Garrett follows behind my brothers, and I bring up the rear. I know the other ladies are right behind me. They must be wondering what’s going on as much as my brothers are, but they’re staying quiet for now. I’m sure I’ll have to answer a million questions later, but for now I’m just grateful they’re here.

I take in a deep breath and let it out. “Garrett and I started out as friends,” I say. “There was nothing sneaky about it.” I swallow a lump in my throat. “When you got hurt, I met Garrett at the hospital. We became friends.”

“You were still a kid, Claire.” Ronan’s voice is hard. “This isn’t helping your story.”

“First of all,” I say, holding up a hand. “I was 21. Not a child. And secondly, nothing happened back then. We talked. We became friends. I sent him letters when he was gone. Everything else between us is more recent. And you don’t get to know details about that.” I shrug. “I’m sorry, but it’s none of your business.”

Ronan looks at me, jaw clenched. He’s clearly still pissed, but he can’t find a valid argument. All at once, his expression clears, and I can see something like amusement in his eyes.

“Fine,” he says with a shrug. “Garrett Young, you’re under arrest.” He pulls a pair of handcuffs from his belt.

My mouth drops open, but no words emerge. I’m shocked into speechlessness. I look over to the twins for help, but they’re wearing matching expressions of pride and agreement.What the fuck?

“For what?” Garrett demands, sounding truly angry for the first time tonight.

Ronan appears to think before turning to look at the twins. “Wyatt, didn’t I hear you ask this gentleman to vacate the premises?”

“Why yes,” Wyatt says. “I believe I did.”

“I believe I heard that too,” Van agrees.

“Oh, no you don’t,” I say, finally finding my voice. “This is bullshit and you know it. You can’t just arrest him!”

“Sure, I can,” Ronan says with a smile. “Garrett Young, you’re under arrest for trespassing.” He pulls Garrett’s hands behind his back and starts speaking technical cop jargon, no doubt reading him his rights. Do cops really do that?

"Damn it, Ronan. Stop this!" I pull on his arm but it's no use. I may as well be trying to yank on the side of a building. I look at Quinn, pleading.

"Some help here?"

She looks from me to Garrett, still clearly unsure whose side to take. But she’s a good friend. I know she wants to help me. She opens her mouth to speak, then closes it again. Finally, I see a look of determined resolve settle over her face.

"Guess who's going to have a baby?!" Quinn's words shock everyone into motionless silence. Ronan’s eyes go from shock to fury in an instant and he turns his gaze on Garrett.