Page 20 of Taking a King

“Hey!” I say. “What about me?”

Liam looks at me as if he’s considering. “You’re not like other girls,” he says, then turns back to his food.

“I’m going to choose to take that as a compliment,” I say, shooting a grin at Ronan. My brother just rolls his eyes.

“You would,” Wyatt says.

Garrett leans close to me and whispers, “It’s definitely a compliment.”

His low words send a shiver through me that I have to work to hide from the others. It takes me back to last night and the way Garrett had taken control of me. I feel hot need surge through me. I can’t wait to have him to myself again.

“So, Garrett,” Finn says, shattering any fantasies I might have been dreaming up. “How long are you going to be here in Oak Hill?”

I go still, my spoon hovering over my bowl. I don’t dare look at Garrett, even though this is a question I’m interested to know the answer to. We haven’t talked about what happens next or where we go from here. We haven’t had time. But now that Finn seems to be forcing the conversation, I’m not sure I’m ready for it. This thing between us is too new.

Liar, the voice in my head shouts.

Okay, so maybe this thing isn’t so new. The physical aspect is brand new, but the rest? That’s been going on for months. So, why haven’t we talked about what comes next? We’ve been so busy focusing on the present that we really didn’t give any thought to what’s going to happen later.

The truth is, I’m scared. I know Garrett is still a Marine. He can’t stay here with me indefinitely. But I hadn’t really wanted to consider he might leave soon. I’m frozen beside him, waiting.

“Well, I have a month of leave saved up right now,” Garrett says, wiping his mouth with his napkin. He keeps his focus on Finn as he speaks, not looking my way.

“After that, I report back to base. But I shouldn’t be going overseas anytime soon. I think I’ve had my fill of that for a while.”

He grins like it’s a joke, but I know the subject is a serious one. He’s told me about the fear and uncertainty, how much he hates the vulnerable feeling of not knowing if or when he’s safe. I know he never wants to go back, but I also know he feels a duty to his fellow Marines. I selfishly want him to forget that duty and stay here with me even though I know he never would. He’s too honorable for that. I reach for his hand under the table, instantly comforted by his touch. I thread my fingers through his and give his hand a light squeeze. Whatever happens, I know I’m not ready for this to end. I don’t know where this thing with us is headed, but I know that a month isn’t nearly long enough with him.

“Are you planning to retire from the Marines eventually?” Wyatt asks.

Garrett tilts his head as though it’s an option. “Honestly, I don’t know,” he says. “I’ve never really thought about sticking it out for 20 years. I initially joined because my family was too broke to send me to college and I knew I didn’t want to work at the shipyard all my life like my dad and my uncles. Not that there’s anything wrong with it. It just wasn’t what I wanted to do. I wanted to get out of my hometown and see more of the world.” He grins. “But a broke 18-year-old with no car and barely out of high school wasn’t going to get far without some help. So, I joined the Marines.”

He shrugs. “They helped pay for my college in between my tours.” He lifts his glass toward Ronan in a toast. “And I met some of my best friends. Overall, I call it a win.”

Finn smiles. “Sounds like you have a good outlook. What about your family back home? Don’t you miss them?”

Garrett nods. “Yeah,” he says. “I do. But I fly home to see them when I can. Christmas, Thanksgiving. That sort of thing.”

“Are they upset that you’re here instead of there right now?” Hope asks.

Garrett blushes and dips his head. “Oh, yeah,” he says. “My mom gave me an earful about going to see a girl instead of the family. I promised I’d make it up to her next time I get leave.”

I stare at him, surprised. “You didn’t tell me that,” I say. “Now, if your mom ever meets me, she’s going to automatically hate me.”

“Already planning to meet the folks, Claire?” Wyatt says with a whistle. “Damn.”

I realize what my words had implied, and my face goes hot. “That’s not what I meant.” I stumble over the words, unsure how to explain. Unsure what I’d meant myself. “I just…I mean…you know what I mean.”

“Do I?” Garrett grins, raising an eyebrow.

I shove his arm and he laughs. Everyone else follows suit and the awkwardness of the moment is gone. Liam starts telling me about his music teacher at school and I do my best to focus on him rather than my own racing thoughts.

Had I really just invited myself to meet his family? Wow, Claire. Assume much? Just because he’s here with my family doesn’t mean he wants me to meet his own. Not to mention, we still haven’t talked about what happens at the end of the month. It didn’t escape my notice that he hadn’t really given Finn an answer. Does he just go back to his life in the military? Do we continue the long-distance thing?Hell no,that voice shouts. There’s no way I can go back to a long-distance relationship after last night. Not now that I know how great it is to really be with him. But does he feel the same? I need to find out. Soon.

Dinner winds down and we all pitch in to clear the table, laughing and teasing. It all feels so normal. Garrett fits into the group almost seamlessly and it’s so easy to imagine him here with us every week. When that idea pops into my head, I quickly banish it. I can’t think that way. Not until I know where we stand. Instead, I’m going to focus on right now and enjoy the time I have with Garrett before he has to leave again.

I help Van carry a load of dishes into the back and set them in the sink. He starts rinsing them and I load them into the dishwasher without comment. It’s a comforting routine and neither of us speaks for several minutes while we work. It’s not until we finish and dry our hands that I turn to him.

“You had my back tonight,” I say, raising an eyebrow.