"You knocked up my sister?!" He roars in fury.
Garrett's shaking his head, but Ronan is beyond reason.
"Not me, you dumbass!" I shout, yanking on his arm again before he can do something crazy, like murder his best friend. "Garrett didn't knock anyone up. You did."
My words accomplish what my pitiful strength couldn't. Ronan releases Garrett and turns to stare at Quinn with shock and wonder in his eyes.
His mouth drops open, but he seems unable to form words.
“Surprise?” Quinn says with a watery smile.
"You? Me?"
She rolls her eyes. "Well, I didn't do it to myself."
Ronan stares at her for several seconds before his face splits into a wide smile. I can see that his eyes are bright with emotion. He seems to forget everyone else as he makes his way to Quinn and wraps her in a tender hug. As a distraction, Quinn’s announcement did the trick.If I weren't so pissed at my brother, I might find the scene rather adorable. As it is, I still want to punch him. But I don't do it. Not just yet anyway. I'll let him get used to the idea that he's going to be a dad first.
Chapter Three
She didn’t tell him. I’m being arrested by the man who—up until a few minutes ago—I called my best friend, and all I can think is that she didn’t tell him. Claire promised me she was going to talk to Ronan before I got back. We both agreed that it would be better not to spring it on him. We wanted to avoid this exact situation. I knew he probably wouldn’t take it well, but I didn’t think he’d go so far as to arrest me. I’m not sure it’s a legal arrest, but the cuffs feel real enough where they’re still snapped around my left wrist. Ronan had been in the process of securing the other cuff when the pregnancy bomb had dropped. Realizing he’s going to be a dad seems to have taken priority over my secret relationship with his sister. His brothers also seem to be distracted by the news, which means no one is concerned with me anymore. Except for Claire.
I feel her hand on my arm a second before she speaks. Her voice is pitched low, just for me.
“You okay?”
I suppress the urge to laugh at her question. Am I okay? I’m not sure how to answer that. I’m pissed off. I’m hurt that she lied to me. I’m sad at the thought that I may have just lost my best friend. Hell, one of my only real friends, if I’m being totally honest. I’m annoyed by the pair of handcuffs still dangling from my wrist. I’m disappointed that this night didn’t go the way I wanted it to. My lips are still tingling from my interrupted kiss with Claire and all I want is a chance to do it again. But I don’t say any of that. I can’t. Not with her entire family standing a few feet away.
“I’m fine,” I say, the words coming out gruffer than I’d planned.
I don’t turn to look at her, but I feel her stiffen beside me. I know if I look at her, I’ll give in to my urge to kiss her. I have a feeling Ronan would shoot me, rather than arrest me this time. Having been shot once before, I know it’s not something I want to relive. Besides, I’m still mad at Claire for not telling her brothers about us before tonight. I want to yell at her, not kiss her. Or at least that’s what I should want. But the only thing I can think of is the way her shirt has been clinging to her body since it got wet. The way her lips had felt against mine for that brief moment before Ronan snatched me away from her. This definitely isn’t the reunion I had planned.
“You don’t seem fine,” Claire says.
“I am.”
Her grip on my arm tightens. “Why won’t you look at me?”
I feel my anger and hurt rise up, moving to the forefront. I turn to face her, leveling my gaze on her.
“Why didn’t you tell him?” I ask, my tone hard.
I watch her expression shift from concern for me to guilt in a flash. She opens her mouth and closes it again.
“I was going to,” she says, finally. “But I couldn’t find the right way to bring it up.”
I hold up my arm to show the cuff still dangling there. I wave it around, gesturing to her family, back toward the restaurant, the utter chaos of the situation.
“Was this the right way, then?” I ask. “Because I have to be honest here, Claire. This could have gone better.”
She sighs, her eyes closing for a moment before she looks back up at me, green eyes shining. “I know,” she says in a broken whisper. “I’m sorry.”
Shit.She’s not going to cry, is she? Claire never cries. She’s not the type of woman to use tears to manipulate a man. It’s one of the things I like about her. She’s real and honest and tough as nails. If she’s on the verge of tears, it means she’s really upset. I feel my anger at her dissolve. I reach over and take her hand in mine, giving it a comforting squeeze.
“We’ll figure it out,” I say quietly. She gives me a little nod and sucks in a shaky breath.
“I’m sorry,” she says again.