Page 27 of Taking a King

“Young.” Ronan practically barks my name, reminding me of our time served together.

I sigh into the phone. “Did you need something, King?”

“Yeah,” he says. “I need you to meet me at Mack’s for lunch at 12:30 today.”

“Any particular reason?” I ask. He must be able to hear my confusion and skepticism because I hear a hint of amusement in his voice.

“I need your help with something,” he says. “Don’t worry. It’s not a trick.”

“Hmm,” I say. “I’ll be there.”


That’s all the goodbye I get before the phone goes silent. He hung up on me. Dick.

Chapter Fourteen


I get to Mack’s a few minutes early and park close to the front of the building. This is the third time I’ve been here in as many days and the restaurant is becoming familiar territory. I climb out of the rental car and make my way inside. The place has a decent-sized lunch crowd, but it’s nowhere near as busy as it had been Saturday night when I’d come here to find Claire.

I smile as I remember the look of shock and happiness on her face when she’d realized I was standing there. I don’t know why I hadn’t considered the idea of her brothers being here. It’s not like I hadn’t known they own the place. But she’d told me where she’d be that night and I hadn’t been able to help myself. I’d had to come see her. I’m not sorry I did. Even if things hadn’t gone exactly according to plan. Still, it had been worth it for what happened later.

“What are you grinning about?”

My head whips toward the sound of Ronan’s voice, my face shifting to something more neutral. There’s no way I can tell him what I’d just been thinking. He’d shoot me this time, for sure. He’s even wearing his uniform with his service pistol strapped to his hip. Best not to tempt fate.

“Nothing,” I say. “Thanks for the invite.”

He nods and gestures toward a table. “Come on,” he says. “Van and Wyatt will be here soon.”

I follow him to the table and we sit. “What did you need my help with?” I ask.

He sighs and leans back in his chair. “Planning a bachelor party,” he says in a miserable voice.

I smile. “You say it like it’s a death sentence.”

He looks pained. “I’m not exactly a party animal,” he says. “I’ve never planned a bachelor party before. Wyatt and Van aren’t a lot of help. All their suggestions are way over the top. Finn isn’t that kind of guy. But he does need to let loose a little.” He shrugs. “I thought maybe you’d have some good ideas. Something more in the middle of my boring ideas and their wild ones. You were always good at partying back in the day. We had quite a few wild nights.”

I laugh. “If I remember correctly, you once swore never to party with me again.”

Ronan cracks a smile. “True. But I’ve sworn never to party with Wyatt way more times. So, you’re the safer bet. What do you say?”

I shrug. “Sure. I’m in. When’s the party?”

Ronan winces. “Next weekend.”

My mouth drops open. “Dude! That’s not enough time to plan an epic bachelor party!”

“I know!” Ronan says sheepishly. “I’ve been busy with work.”

His phone rings before I can respond. He holds up a hand to stall me before answering the call.

“Speaking of.” He rolls his eyes and stands. I watch as he walks out onto the deck to continue his conversation, leaving me alone at the table. I reach for the beer menu in the center of the table and read over the selections. I’m pleased to see more than the usual store brand-names. It looks like Wyatt and Van know their beers. I choose one from the list that I think I’ll like and head over to the bar.

The man behind the bar is undoubtedly a King brother. I’d have known even if I hadn’t met him the night before. Since he lacks the tattoos and long hair, I know this is Van. Donovan King. The older of the two twins by only a few minutes. And, according to Claire, the less outgoing of the two. Even knowing them for only a short time, I can already tell that description rings true—for the most part. Van may not be quite as wild as his twin, but he’s got it in him. I could tell by the delighted look in his eyes when Ronan had suggested arresting me two nights ago. He may not be the instigator of trouble, but he’s probably found it a time or two. I get the feeling that the two of them together are the most trouble. Though Wyatt may have settled down a bit since meeting Hope.

Van waves at me when he notices me at the other end of the bar. He finishes serving the couple seated near him before making his way over to me. He gives me a friendly smile.