Page 20 of The Noisemaker

As soon as my feet touched the ground, I swatted at him and laughed. We immediately started dancing again.

And then suddenly the record scratched, and the DJ made an announcement. “Thirty minutes until the new year rolls in! Make sure you pick up a noisemaker so we can ring it in loud!”

And then he started playing a song I didn’t care for.

“Thirty minutes,” Desmond repeated. “Are you hungry? Thirsty?”

I nodded. “Both.” I gestured to the hot bar near one of the exhibits. “Can we get something to eat and check out the work down that hall?”

A smile played on his lips as he slid his arm around my waist. Resting his hand on my ass, ready to guide me through the crowd. “Let’s do it. Let’s go.”

“And we have to scope out a good spot to actually ring in the new year.”

He kissed my temple. “Your wish is my command.”

We grabbed some hors d’oeuvres, champagne, and napkins and then made our way down a hallway with sculptures. There was a good amount of people around, so even though we were further away from the speakers and the dance floor, it wasn’t quiet.

“These are cool,” I remarked, chomping on the mini quiche.

“The quiche?”

“No, that sculpture.” I pointed with my head since I had a drink in one hand, a plate in the other, and my clutch tucked under my arm.

We walked around, finishing our snack and making comments about the art.

“I’m glad we did this,” I sighed as we headed back to the main lobby to get another glass of champagne. “Thank you, baby.”

“I’m glad you’re having a good time.” He looked around the room and then checked his watch. “It’s almost midnight. We have to find our spot. Where do you want to be to ring in the new year?”

My eyes bounced around the lively room. “As long as I’m with you, I’m good with anywhere in here.”

I felt his grip tighten on my hand. “Okay, let’s go.”

We went to the bar, grabbed champagne, and then made a beeline to the opposite side of where we were. The short hallway spilled into a gallery with scarcely anyone in it.

“Are we allowed back here?” I looked around. “This is looking like VIP.”

“Are we not VIP?”

I pursed my lips. “You’re right.”

We walked through the gallery, but we weren’t taking in any of the art. “Where are we going?” I asked.

“You’ll see.”

There were double doors hidden behind a display wall and we walked out onto a small balcony. The city of Richland was lit all around us and the midnight blue sky hovered above.

“Oh wow, this is beautiful,” I remarked. “Cold, but beautiful.”

“Oh shit!” Desmond swore, eyes widening.

He took my drink from my hand and placed both of ours on the stone ledge of the balcony. Taking off his jacket, he draped it around my arms and pulled me in and hugged me tight. “Come here.” He rubbed me to generate warmth. “We have five minutes to midnight, so we won’t be out here long. I just heard this is the best place to see fireworks.”

My mouth popped open. “Fireworks!”

He nodded. “And we have the best seat in the house.”

Shivering, I looked around. “It is pretty out here. And we snuck behind an exhibit to get out here so”—I wiggled my shoulders— “hello adventure!”